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Posts posted by Tigara

  1. Well I'm glad you asked.  One I would like to create two new staff positions for the BT.  One would be a Rollmaster where they would keep track of the BT Roster, active members, the email group, and a rank breakdown.  I would also like to create BT Events for us to do to pass the time with each other, other divisions and whatnow while  the Dragon Reborn plotlines are being worked on.  I would like to see the BT having at least 10 active Asha'man at any given time.  I would like to recruit new members.


    I am also currently discussing other changes with the staff so more new will come.


    Wicked! Sounds great!


    I was drunk one night and asked her to marry me.  She said no of course since I was drunk and all.  So I had to use compulsion on her to make her marry me.  Or was it the other way around?


    Muah! Must have been the other way around. *gigglesnort*


    Chocolate?  What is that?  My wife gets the chocolate.  It makes her happy.  Actually I like milk chocolate.  Thanks for asking.


    Milk chocolate ftw!!


    Sadly, only once.  I'm not a fast reader so I'm waiting for the last book before I re-read the series.  Might I suggest reading Mistborn to pass the time. Smiley


    Actually, I'm on the Well of Ascension. They're great! ^_^ I read Elantris too!


    People would ruin RPs by either not reading it and just adding their own version of the story or completely disregarding the continuity of the story.


    *nod nod*


    Didn't I respond to you?  I thought I did.  Was it via email?  If so what email addy did you send it to?  I remember saying okay to someone recently.  Wasn't that you?  Shoot me an email to black.tower.div@gmail.com.


    Nope, wasn't me. And I've sent the bloomin' thing to you twice already and once to Arath! *goes to send it again*

  2. Character Name: Ikkiliad sur Paendrag


    Rank: Dedicated


    Would you like to hold the bond, be bonded, or are you willing to do either? I believe that he will be bonded.


    If you are bonded, would you be willing to be bonded to an Aes Sedai who holds bonds to other BT Chars? Yeps


    If you are holding the bond, are you willing to bond more than one Aes Sedai? Uh huh, but I won't be holding the bond.


    Do you have any questions or concerns? If so please state them here or PM them to me. Nppe


    BTW, I'm the Dedicated who gets to bond. *wink*

  3. What are a few ideas you have for the Div?


    How did you end up marrying Kath?


    What kind of chocolate is your favorite?


    How many times have you read the WoT books?


    What is one thing you hate?


    Do you have facebook?


    When will I heard from you about the Talent I applied for before D*Con?

  4. Basic Information

    Handle : Raeyn

    Character Count : n/a (this is an NSW)

    Contact : raeynsedai@yahoo.com


    Character Information

    Name: Umeka Marhadi

    Age: 190

    Nationality: Shienar (village near Fal Dara)



    Hair: Black; she keeps it cut short and out of her face.

    Eyes: Brown

    Skin: White

    Height: 5'9"

    Voice: Passionless in the true White Ajah fashion.. unless you manage to upset her, and then it's more like an axe sharply chopping at your psyche.



    Personality:  She comes off as imposing to those who do not know her; Umeka has an unpredictible temper, which she feels she's developed some control over.  Of course, this means that her explosions out of the normal facade of White Ajah ice are even more alarming than would be otherwise.



    Character History


    Umeka Marhadi is the second and last child of a soldier and a weaver.  She was the light of her father's life, and he would always bring her some sort of trinket whenever he returned home from campaigns.  Even her older brother Mord and her mother doted on her, and she never wanted for love or attention.


    As she grew up, she happily learned her mother's skill at weaving, as well as learning the rudiments of knife from her father and brother.  They were close enough to the Blightborder that every home had to know how to protect itself, and with her father often off on campaign, it was best that even a little girl like herself know how best to protect herself.


    As she entered her teen years, her father died while battling off an especially hot Trolloc raid.  Her mother decided to move the family to the market town in Fal Dara for safety's sake.  This turned out to be a good decision, as Mord found out he could channel and ran away from home.  Both mother and daughter were heart-broken, but continued on the best they could.


    As she neared her sixteenth nameday, a chance arose for her to go to Tar Valon to try and sell some of her and her mother's works.  Angry at Trollocs for killing her father, angry at her brother for running away, angry at her mother (I mean, what teenaged daughter isn't?!), she gladly agreed to travel along with an old family friend who had contacts on the island city.


    Along the way, she alternated between being ill due to the motions of the boat they traveled in and mulling on her life.  It slowly dawned on her that if her brother could channel, perhaps she could too!  Umeka was scared by this realization and prospect, but it made a queer sort of sense to her too - if she could channel the One Power, perhaps she could find her brother and help him.  It was a queer sort of logic, but it emboldened her to approach the Tower and be tested.


    Whatever the case, the thought of finding her brother and helping him sustained her through her Novice and Accepted days.  Her relative temper and spoiled brat attitude, however, did not; Umeka spent many a day howling under the Mistress of Novices' ministrations before she developed any sort of rough control over it.  And while a bright student, she took her time in getting raised; she wanted to learn as much as possible and as well as she could, and didn't realize until she was raised to the Shawl just how much there was to learn AFTER getting raised.


    Umeka, like all Accepted, thought heavily on what Ajah was best for her.  She couldn't find any particular appeal in the Browns, Grays, Blues, or Yellows.  Part of her wanted to loathe the Red Sisters for their works with men who could channel; one of them could hurt her brother!  She had a healthy admiration of the Greens, and their desire to be at the Last Battle to fight the forces of the Dark One.. but it wasn't for her.  Logically, in her head and heart, she knew that the White Ajah would be her home.


    As she grew into the shawl, she found that her talents lie in careful preparations.  She worked often with the Sisters who were leaving the Tower on missions to make sure they were appropriately supplied, whether it be reminding them to get a letter of rights from their bankers, or coordinating with the dovecotes to make sure outgoing Sisters had plenty of messenger birds.  She especially loved helping the Greens who were going to the Blightborder with their preparations.  while she couldn't understand why anyone would actually WANT to be at the forefront of battle, she couldn't help but admire their dedication to saving people from gruesome death.


    Eventually, the White Tower discovered the Black Tower.  Umeka's heart leaped; perhaps now she would found out her brother's fate, if he had managed to live that long!  When Sisters went to the Black Tower, she implored the ones she was friendly with to send back word of Mord if any was to be had.  Alas, there was no news of her brother; she had to come to terms with the fact he had probably died a painful death on his lonesome some years ago, else she'd've met him one last time in the Tower before he was gentled.  Part of her died with that realization; she had loved her brother greatly, and was only happy he'd not fallen afoul of a Red Sister.



    Not that she disliked all Reds - she knew there were many within the Ajah who felt there had to be a way to help these men short of gentling them and condemning them to a short, empty life.  Still, she was wary of the as a group, and tended to keep her opinions about the majority's treatment of male channelers to herself; why risk her neck because some hardly thought of male channelers as human?!


    As her star rose within the Tower and the Ajah for her good works, her Ajah decided that she should be a Sitter in the Hall.  Umeka wasn't too sure that her Sisters had thought it out too well - she was very independent in her opinions, and not easily swayed by the First Reasoner's logic when it didn't match her own.  Still, she did her best to be a credit to her Ajah in all aspects of her life, and tried to accede to the greater consensus within the Whites.. when she felt it was prudent.


  5. Thank the Light, he saw her! He strode over and appeared to be neutral. She put on a very innocent, gushy tone and look, then began to work him over. "I need some help down in the basements. Would you be able to come give me a hand? There are some things I can't lift." She just sounded so helpless. Thinking back, what she said bordered on scandalous. It sounded as if she was tricking him into going somewhere inconspicuous for some snogging. She hoped he didn't think she was trying that. That would get her nowhere!

  6. Jasmyne was startled at her reprimand, and even more startled at why she had been reprimanded. She was aghast that she had nearly bounded up and down like some simple-minded chit - like Deanne! She quickly regained her composure and calmed herself. Yes, it was exciting, but she must not lose all all sense because of it. She resorted to novice exercises to calm herself. She was the rosebud...


    She was sort of confident as Jagen suggested that she make a heavy downpour. She might be able to do that. She was certainly strong enough in Air and Fire, but she didn't know if she could get enough Water into it. She suppressed butterflies in her stomach as the followed the young Red through her native Accepted quarters. She had never been to this balcony much. She really had little need to since she was so hopeless with weather. She did earth. Earthquakes usually involved being on the ground, not hundreds of feet in the air.


    She stepped out into the balcony and admired the brilliant sunlight. It seemed to be a shame to ruin such a nice day with a violent downpour. She took a few deep breaths, embraced the Source, and wove. Lots of air, a decent amount of fire, faint traces of spirit and earth, and then water. To her disappointment, she could only make two flows as thick as before. All the rest were her usual yarn-sized flows that did little. The cute little white cloud in the distance grew bigger and was suddenly a dark gray, nearly black. It began to drift closer and it started to shower. Enough to make things wet, but it wasn't a downpour. She grew determined. More flows of water were added into the weave, but the did little. She added more fire and it also helped in a minuscule fashion. She tried to force her water flows to be thicker and they started to grow. And they did! She pushed harder and started to feel nauseous. More and more, they grew, and more and more did her lunch want to escape her stomach. And it got it's way. She hunched over and emptied her guts onto the balcony, but got right back up and kept working on the weave. She increased the thickness of the flows of fire and natures fireworks began to flash every few seconds. Jagen Sedai had said she wanted a storm. She was going to give her one, even if it nearly killed her.


    She looked over her shoulder at her teacher. "Is that big enough?"

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