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News item Comments posted by wotfan4472

  1. Perhaps there is the possibility that the Wheel was establishing Rand as the Dragon Reborn, putting his Ta veren thread in direct line to the world due to the fact that the DO can manipulate the world through his Forsaken...? Or why force them to give up their souls? If this is true, then it explains alot of events in the world, particularly from Siuan's mention of chaos rising from nowhere in the TGH. The Wheel would have to take a hand, as it must ensure the Last Battle at the right point of time. Liandrin and Graendal both explain the DO's abilities regarding death; ahd Rand not been at Falme, then the DO might have destroyed the Wheel right there. This has been at every battle from Rand, Perrin and Mats adventures, harrowing considering the DO will use every trial not overcome and every fortune not taken to destroy the world by default. In TEoTW, He hwas using His links to Ishamael, Balthamel and Aginor to place the world in winter in TEoTW. Considering that Lanfear is free during TGH, I believe the DO using a gust of wind to try and impale Rand on Lan's practice sword in the beginning of TGH is because ALL of the Forsaken are free at this point, not just Lanfear. These precise manipulations of the Pattern by the DO so early in the series even as most of the seals are still intact at this point (bar at least one or two broken at this stage of the series) are due to the link I spoke of above. Hence the battle at Falme to balance things; at least until TDR, lol. Great post Mashiara Sedai, enjoying the theories!!!!

  2. I too think they are possible futures that Aviendha saw. First off the Aiel do not know that it was a battle with Perrin that put the Shaido Aiel in that situation. As for the other Wise Ones collared.... perhaps they are affected by the bleakness??? Or maybe Sevanna's visit to Cairhein just before Egwene left for Salidar in LoC was more than just a 'visit'??? Either way, I believe that Rand will put his foot down with the Aiel after talking to Perrin when they meet. It also depends on what emphasis the wheel has put on what will unfold. For example, in the Dotor Who Universe the Doctor would HATE to see these visions, as being a Timelord, he would be forced to manipulate these events EXACTLY as they were seen... hence his aversion to being told anthing about his future adventures, whether from books or seers. We saw what happened when it did not occur as in Collapsing Time, or what ever it was called lol

  3. I do not agree with mark and lavender dog about the wolves saving rand... mat had word that many wolf packs are beginning to arrive at the Blight already and I believe will be 'busy' considering that Arafel and Kandor are about to be swallowed by Shadowspawn, especially Jumara, the source of the red veiled aiel.

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