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News item Comments posted by wotfan4472

  1. It is mentioned by his inner thinking when he admits GOING IN TO GET SOMEONE FROM THE TOWER. Also, to make it complicated, the scene where we learn that Moiraine is alive has the man's description seeming to have elements of BOTH of Slayer's personas while he was in the Tower, making me think it was another person. Moiraine would not have recognized him because of this. Also the description of Moridin does not put him in the Tower of Ghenjei, and the reason is that his soul is connected to the DO, which would have made it dangerous for him to go, being Nae'blis and all. This makes Slayer a VERY complicated character to work out. I am doing a re-read at the moment and am at PoD, will post when I come across it. Can't remember, except to know it is in the next few books.

  2. I think Moridin is not a double agent, due to the fact that Moridin was instructed by the DO MENTALLY not to punish Graendal in the scene in ToM when Graendal was instructed to kill Perrin. If he was not, then Graendal would have punished for causing Aran'gar's death.


    One other part of the equation is Shaidar Haran. The DO seems to be hedging his upcoming battle with Rand. Because He knows Moridin will lose his two - sided game?

  3. I also believe that that Elaida's foretelling conerns Rand.... Slayer I believe will stay in the Shadow, while I am interested to see how badly T'A'R is at this point of the series.....what about the wolves????? Are they in the real world all at once, or one group in the real world and one group in T'A'R???? Big questions to be answered....... Getting EXCITED!!!!!

  4. I always felt that the DO destroying Creation always depended on which Forsaken was Naeblis.... for example Moghedien believes that the DO will remake Creation, while Ishamael believes the DO will destroy Creation. I always thought that that was one of the reasons for the competition between Forsaken. As for this theory..... I think that they do not need to be right inside Shayol Ghul, just in the general location, and I think that would be important to come

  5. Min had a viewing of Birgitte when they meet of lives lived up till that meeting and even way more after (in the future). This viewing leads me to believe two things: 1) that she is still linked to the Horn based on the viewing and 2) that she was ripped out for the Pattern's purpose, namely the gholam thrreat. Only Birgitte had knowledge of this and also advice concerning the Tower of Ghenjei and the fact that she went in in an earlier life.These two things alone could be why she was ripped out - no matter what Moghie intended - and it happened to save one of the Three. The severed hand also leads to believe that Birgitte sacrifices herself to save Elayne from Moghie's revenge. What do you all think?

  6. That list no longer matters, as his epiphany cancels it, being the product of his insanity anyway... even so MASSIVE surprise. Nynaeve will at first be worried about Lan, but there are indications that Moiraine knew and approved of Lan and Nynaeve's relationship after her trip into Rhuidian. It seems that Moiraine arranged it that way so that Nynaeve would learn what she needed to learn to become an Aes Sedai and in doing so, stand up to Myrelle. That scene was pretty good, but imagine if Nynaeve had gone to Myrelle earlier to get Lan's bond in say ACoS? Disaster!! Lol

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