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Posts posted by Kaylee

  1. 35 minutes ago, Lavandula said:

    Oh hi! So three yellows, is that it? good to hear you're hanging in there, I'm mostly ok too?

    I was wondering, what are some of the yellow things to do?


    Since we focus on healing through laughter, I like to remind myself being happy is a choice. I chose to find joy daily... and if my kids acting goofy doesn't do it I learn to laugh at myself. ? 


    I really love games as far as activities. 

  2. 18 hours ago, LilyElizabeth said:

    My favorite part of the holidays is choosing gifts and enjoying watching them be opened. But I also enjoy baking and decorating. This year is a little sad because my daughter moved away and she and I did the baking together. But I'm going to try to maintain as many of our traditions as I can, even though the boys don't care as much as she did. 


    I'm starting that with my kids this year. 

  3. 4 hours ago, haycraftd said:

    I've always liked cookies--especially peanut butter cookies with a Hershey's kiss in the middle.  These have gone out of fashion lately because baking enthusiasm has waned, but it seems our youngest likes baking and we've tasked him with baking a MASSIVE amount of cookies.  And so, peanut butter cookies with Hershey's kisses are coming back. 


    Very nice


    51 minutes ago, Jivenrah Sedai said:

    We celebrate Christmas and Yule/Solstice and my favorite part of the season is the music. I am pretty darn good at baking and cookies, pumpkin bread and brownies are what we give to our neighbors, friends and loved ones. Once the scents and sounds are in the air, how can one not feel festive?


    True... and the smell of fireplaces. Gives me warm fuzzies! 

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