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Posts posted by Kaylee

  1. On 3/18/2018 at 9:46 AM, Mrs. Cindy Gill said:

    This may be just something I haven't figured out yet, but it seems nearly impossible for me to post a picture that isn't in my own camera roll. The only workaround I've managed consistentkynis (why would autocorrect come up with non words again and again? Consistently is dammit) a screen cap and that's often something I do not want to do.


    I can't even figure out hoe to add one that's in my phone gallery

  2. You belong to the Green Ajah!

    The Green Ajah is often called the "Battle Ajah"; they await Tarmon Gai'don, where they will fight the Shadow. Until The Last Battle arrives, Greens seek to dispense justice, often with force rather than words. Members of this Ajah are allowed to bond more than one Warder, something that is very useful during battles, and many choose to have two, three or even more than that. 


    . Greens are often seen as emotional rather than rational, and tend to prefer action to deliberation, often taking charge in situations that require it. Greens can often be arrogant and prideful, but as a whole they are often an outgoing and friendly Ajah. While not all Greens are flamboyant, it is not rare for Greens to care about their appearance a great deal. 

    This is your result in its entirety:

    Green Ajah: 6

    Red Ajah: 5

    Gray Ajah: 4

    Yellow Ajah: 4

    White Ajah: 3

    Blue Ajah: 1

    Brown Ajah: 1

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