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Status Replies posted by Gudrean

  1. Hello my beautiful sister!!!! Not even time and distance can separate us or keep you from my heart!!! I LOVE YOU 

    1. Gudrean


      *follows trail of cookies* *gobble*  ....  *gobble*


      I'm getting so excited about all the things up and coming for The Wheel of Time. I've been watching all the movies the actors are in to get a feel of them. What are your thoughts on the main 5? Of course I love Josha and i'm sure the other 2 guys will do great. I wasn't sold on the girls at first but i'm warming up to them. aw well, we shall see. I love you and miss you and we need to video chat and catch up ...realllly soooon!!!!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Brrrrrr it's cold this morning

    1. Gudrean


      Listening to the Icewind Dale series, book 3 Halfling's Gem, I love Drizzt and Wulgar.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Don't just sit there. Talk to me.

  4. Today, I discovered that I can drop from ten feet and land in a roll on concrete and come up unharmed. Good day. #parkour

    1. Gudrean



  5. says for every girl who throws out her E-Z-Bake oven, there is a boy who wishes to find one.

  6. So profile stalkers... what's new in your world?

    1. Gudrean


      Hi Amadine =) I'm new to DM but LOVE WoT!!!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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