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Posts posted by 2RiversFan

  1. For me, there is no way to limit it to one scene, I absolutely want to see the big items like those mentioned above, but just as important are the (borrowing Leigh Butler's term) Moments of Awesomeness where battles aren't involved, such as:

    - Tuon and Karede finally understanding that Mat is highly competent and a "Lion on the open plain"
    - Nyneave overcoming her block
    - Salidar committee realizing they didn't install a 'malleable' Amyrlin

    - Perrin's realization that Tam, Abel and others are accepting his suggestions as orders

    - Verin's big reveal
    - Nyneave's discussion with Weilin Aldragoran at the queen's lance in Saldea.
    - Mat and Birgitte having a long conversation and finally requesting Mat to pick one language and then stick with it.
    - Any of the three Taveren not realizing how much women around them are googly-eyed because of them.
    - Almost anytime we're given the inner thoughts of Mat and Nyneave, while at the same time those thoughts are so very much opposite of the truth of the brave/righteous actions they are taking.


    So, so many others.  Impossible for me to omit those

  2. 3 hours ago, DemandredFO said:

    This may be obvious to everyone else but what are the fake looking pictures for, next the real ones?


    I think it is to help the long-time reader bridge the gap between actor's appearance and the image they've held in their mind.

    Also, they haven't yet (apparently) been given the green light to show the actors in makeup and costume, if the actors already have been in costume...

  3. Min is incredibly important to the series overall.  Her abilities are utilized as exposition and foreshadowing to the reader/watcher, and as 'ace in the hole' information to the Light side, from Moiraine to the Amyrlin Seat and to the Dragon Reborn.  Cutting her character would be beyond crazy; we'd not be getting anything like the stories RJ wrote. She's one of my favorite characters and I did hope that her role would have been cast already


    Another thing I've been looking forward to is how they will bring her visions to the screen.  They'll need to be careful or it'll be cheesy, but done right, it will be quite cool to see them.  Remember the 'starlight vs darkness' for when Rand is alone, compared to how much better the starlight does when Matt/Perrin are with him?  Things like that will be awesome.


  4. I think the early absence from Fal Dara was entirely a mechanism to serve plot points.  The reason I think this is because of the general population's perspective Aes Sedai have that Mystique about them, noone knows what they're doing, where they're going, or what their motivations are.  While Rand is no longer unfamiliar with A.S., there was still a lot about them he doesn't know or understand.

    I think in this case, RJ was merely using that Aes Sedai mystique to build Rand's angst about his situation.  RJ needed the hero to be apprehensive about his situation prior to the events that were just ahead;  more A.S. , meeting the Amyrlin Seat, etc.

    If I'm correct about this, it's a bit of a departure for RJ.   His writing style was very thorough; he nearly always had hidden purpose for every little bit of information he gave, and very rarely had "throwaway" information concerning major character arcs.  (I'm guessing this is the reason you have been wondering about it also). As this is very early in the series, I wonder if he originally had something else in mind for her absence in this instance...   

  5. 2 hours ago, DemandredFO said:

    The rest of the cast as filming is to begin soon. I advocate making Sean Bean either Lan or Tam, just to prove he can actually survive a fantasy series.

    Lol.  He's not done so well in that area yet.  Always the sacrificed good guy.

    I wouldn't mind set pictures either, but mostly I want to know who is playing who.   I'm preparing myself now for disappointment, since I have such a strong mental picture of each character, but most especially Nyneave and Min.

  6. If what you're asking for is what I think you're asking for, I think that site has been gone for about 3-5 years.  

    But the encyclopaedia-wot.org is still up.  It provides chapter by chapter summaries, and also has a comprehensive character list with descriptions.  It was updated thoroughly until A Memory of Light.   For AMoL, it was only updated for a few chapters.  I always use that and Leigh Butler's Tor reread when I decide to reread.  

    For more involved questions, Theoryland interview DB is still up, as Theroyland forums are still active, (about as active Dragonmount maybe).  

    The most community involvement these days seems to be on social media, especially FB.

    Of course, we'd prefer you'd ask questions here first ? 

  7. There were rumors being spread that he'd killed the good queen Morgase.

    He also publicly declared amnesty for male channelers.  In a world taught to fear men that can channel, this would be received by the population like someone had just placed hundreds of poisonous snakes inside their homes.

  8. I know this isn't a particularly unpopular opinion, but my own list of things that I thought dragged on and would have like to have been abridged to about 1/2 or even 1/3 of the length that each turned out to be:

    1.  Faile's rescue subplot
    2. Bowl of Winds subplot
    3. Salidar politics subplot
    4. Elayne's succession

    I do realize how each was important to each character's development both physically and psychologically.  I even see the necessity of each to the overall plot, but wow, just too long.  Even on my first read through, I couldn't wait to get beyond each of these plotlines, inwardly groaning when I came to a chapter dealing with them.

    I still love the series, and I even rank it above LOTR; it is my favorite fantasy series.

  9. 16 hours ago, imlad said:
    On 7/26/2019 at 1:38 AM, Jaglover said:

    Might be a bit controversial, I'm not sure, but I think Nynaeve and Lan have the best romance in the books.


    Each falling in love with the other makes sense. Nynaeve realises consciously, or subconsciously, that she needs a man with a cuendillar will (to give it a WOT reference) to stand up to her, otherwise she will make both their lives a misery. Whereas Lan has no taste for the deception common among Aes Sedai and noblewoman and likes her directness and fierceness.


    The relationship also has time to grow, from the journey to the Eye of the world, to Tear.



    I can understand liking that relationship, but I always had issue with the way it just happened out of nowhwere. We never actually saw it start, it was just there, full-fledged suddenly in The Eye of the World, with no preamble or development. That just felt false an unearned to me. After that though, it all worked fairly well for me. I just didn't like how it came into being fully developed off-screen.


    But once it was there, in all of the following books, yes, it did work, and it was rather well done, though it wasn't one of my favorites.

    I don't see it that way anymore imlad.

    The way it was presented in the beginning it is understandable that readers think that. In the beginning, we didn't really know any backstory on neither Lan nor Nyneave.  However, later in the series we learn that Lan never had any relationships that went beyond the physical.  Nyneave had never really considered any man worthy. 

    When Nyneave was able to track the party after Lan had taken steps to hide their trail, that was a huge attraction to him.  Nyneave liked that Lan was able to respectfully admire her talent also was an attraction for her towards him.

    Basically, this was supposed to be two people that never met anyone that met their standards for potential mates until they met each other.  Quite similar to Galad and Berelain, actually... but who didn't see that as very believable?  


  10. Elessar's feelings as he wrote above are almost exactly how I see this.  In particular, 

    On 3/22/2019 at 5:29 PM, Elessar said:

    On the other hand, I fear whether they will be able to do it justice and not ‘just’ make a dumbed down, overly-simplified politically-correct version which perhaps works for a mainstream audience (who never read the books and perhaps never intend to) but which will be somewhat painful for us hardcore-WoT’ers to experience.

    RJ did an amazing job of letting us into the character's internal thoughts.  Recreating this on screen requires time for character development.  The audience will need to get not only acquainted with each main character, but also come to know what makes each character tick.  Without this, later books (tv series seasons) will seriously suffer 

    I took the revelation of condensing books 1 and 2 into a single season with a huge dose of: 'Well, so much for expecting a great TV series". 

    If character development is sacrificed for expediency, which it will almost certainly have to be if EotW is to be depicted in 5 hours, then we will also lose the 'why' regarding character actions; or, how the story intrinsically reveals character motivations (as RJ did masterfully).  We will also certainly lose another of RJ's brilliant talents, his subtle placement of meaningful foreshadowing.  These are two of RJs three most brilliant traits, in my opinion.


  11. She is integral to the defeat of the shadow.  Without her, Rand wouldn't have stood a chance. She is what the pattern provided to Rand to be the guiding influence to him.  His 'parent' from  a perspective of the One Source.  She had to protect him while he learned his power, influence him until he could control it, then advise him after that.

    Having said that, I don't think she is the glue that holds the series together.  I think the 'glue' is Love/principals/values/morals that the Two Rivers folk in particular have in their DNA.  Never give up, always fight evil.  Whether it is stated explicitly or not, all of the main and secondary characters from the Two Rivers live by the same mantra as the Aiel:

    “Til shade is gone, 
    til water is gone
    Into the shadow with teeth bared
    Screaming defiance with the last breath
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day.”


  12. That scene is in the Dragon Reborn chapter 7.  Moiraine, Lan, Perrin and Loial are chasing Rand across the south as he heads for Tear.  It is only Loial and Perrin that had been fishing:   

    "Once, three days after setting out, Moiraine joined them, stretching herself out on the streamside and undoing rows of pearl buttons to roll up her sleeves as she asked how the thing was done. Perrin exchanged surprised looks with Loial. The Ogier shrugged.
    “It is not that hard, really,” Perrin told her. “Just bring your hand up from behind the fish, and underneath, as if you’re trying to tickle its belly. Then you pull it out. It takes practice, though. You might not catch anything the first few times you try.”"

    One source you might use (but wouldn't have helped with this question because it isn't included in the chapter summary): http://www.encyclopaedia-wot.org/

  13. I found myself thinking about this all day after posting the previous post.  I ended up having to go and have a look for myself, but was only partially successful; here's one I found that sort of goes with what I mentioned above:


    INTERVIEW: Oct, 2000

    Orbit Interview (Verbatim)


    Which character in the Wheel of Time do you most identify with?


    I always identify most with the character from whose point of view I am trying to write at that moment. I try to get inside their heads, inside their skins. Sometimes this has disadvantages. I have gone into the house at the end of the day and, before I can say a word, my wife has said to me, "You were writing Padan Fain today, weren't you?" Inevitably, when she says this, I have indeed been writing some character you would not like to be alone with. But if you mean which character do I think is most like me, well, Lan Mandragoran expresses the ideals I was raised to aspire to,  while Perrin is perhaps most like me as a boy and young man. On the other hand, my wife claims I am a perfect Loial! "
  14. Interesting to think that, but it's been mentioned in the past on these forums that both RJ and Harriet think Perrin is the charactor within the books that is the closest to RJ, in terms of both appearance and character.  I don't have any quotes for you on that, but you may enjoy checking it out on the database on theoryland.

  15. Just a few years ago, when there was no real expectation (only some small amount of hope) there would be a screen adaptation of Wheel of Time, I had stopped trying to find answers to questions like this.  I stopped because the original author/universe creator was no longer writing and is sadly  unavailable for clarification.


    Having said that, the last three books are full of plot holes just like the one you mention.  Most of these plot holes at least aren't glaring to most reader's on their first time through, since the books were exciting and most readers are emotionally invested in the characters, many gave Brandon a passing grade.  Others became incensed and wrote scathing posts on this site and others. 

    I'm not saying Brandon's not a good writer.  I'm saying that writing in a world so deeply developed, only the original author has the resources/writing ability and (in some cases at least) motivation to ensure all things were true to the constructed universe/world.  That is because the original author is the source of the knowledge.  Brandon Sanderson had to pen a continuation and ending to a journey started years earlier where the original author had at least 2 decades of thoughts and inspirations to fall back on. RJ had also purposefully left very large amounts of plots, characters, motivations, even points of laws of physics (for Randland) hidden for revealing at specific points, to reach a very specific ending.  In my opinion, we got the best we could get - at least I have come to be content with what we have been provided.  I am happy for both Wheel of Time fans and for Brandon Sanderson that he was given the opportunity to write an ending to a story that would otherwise have been left unfinished.


    I know I haven't answered your question directly, but for me there isn't a good answer within context of the Randland universe.  This is what we have since RJ couldn't complete his opus.  I do hope that the Amazon series stays as true to the books (particularly the masterfully written beginning books) as possible.

  16. Hello Scott,


    My experience was almost completely opposite to yours, except for not wanting it to end.  I discovered and read through the first 13 books in less than 2 months in the summer of 2011, then couldn't wait for the final one.  Once it came, I had no desire for the story and Randland to end.

    As for your major question posed, I'm biased towards book in hand.  The stories on audio books are the wrong pacing for me more than half of the time I'm listening to them.  

    Whichever you choose, be sure to come back and discuss once you've finished it.  


  17. On 10/5/2018 at 1:39 AM, Ryrin said:

    I liked this:


    Rafe: I think being involved online is a great way to contribute to the show.  You'd be shocked by how many showrunners/writers/executives/etc read posts for their show on reddit/twitter/AV Club and more.  On past shows, most people would discuss fan reaction the morning after each episode.

    I like that he acknowledged that as well.  It's part of the reason I decided to stop lurking so much and become more active.

  18. I may be a day late and many dollars short, but now that the show has been greenlit, I want to be more active and less of a lurker... 

    I have always seen Sam Elliot as Thom.  Age, looks, height, all correct.  

    I haven't put much thought into it, but my first choice for Egwene would be Odeya Rush , but I don't know if she can do a passable British accent, which I think all of Two Rivers dwellers and Andormen should have.

    For Rand my first thought was Liam Hemsworth, but he's really not tall enough and already late twenties.  I think they need to cast some proven actor that is actually 6'6" or taller and early 20s at most. 

    I was going to make a full list of the 'Supers', but wow I've already gone 1.5 hours without finding anyone for the superboys alone.   :-\

    One final thought, Rafe knows Zachary Levi from his time with Chuck, I think he might be a very good Rhuarc or Bael (Zachary is 38 and 6'3").

    I have to keep reminding myself that Hollywood has ways of making people the height that is needed for the role, but I can't keep it in my brain, lol.




    58 minutes ago, Tyzack said:

    Saw it. 

    Liked it.


    Details in spoiler (yes, there are spoilers)


      Hide contents


     It was, without a doubt, the best Avengers ensamble movie. I think that the writing and production of the MCU films has come a long way since the first Ironman movies. My only real complaint was with Dr. Strange who I believe was just type cast and they told Benderdict Cucumberbach to act like a haughty British professor, which he pulled off perfectly.


    Also, I'm getting kind of annoyed with Tony Stark as a character, but I guess that's the point?


     As for the movie I thought it was very well paced, with only a few scenes which "lagged" and they were mainly expositional or character related - specifically the Gamora/Thanos scenes. I understood Thanos' actions more than Gamoras, and really that's the main part of the movie which struggled for me.  I also didn't understand Dr. Strange giving up the time stone, unless he saw that was part of how to defeat Thanos.


     Quick rant re: Thanos. So his entire motivation is that his idlyic homeword was overpopulated, and he had to kill roughly half the people on the planet to make it livable again? This only (kind of) worked, which forced him down the path of "killing half the universe." For a movie villian backstory/motivation it's actually pretty good.


     There were some production goofs, and I didn't understand/get the entire battle for wakanda; it didn't make any tactical sense to me. The [unlimited number of faceless bad guys] vs [good guys who can't die] troup is a bit over worked. 


     Once the battle revolted around Vision, things got ... better ... meaning more real.


     Lastly, I'm curious as to where the MCU goes from here, and what will happen in the next avengers movie. My theory is that somehow the good guys will get the gaunlet, remove the stones, and do a timey-windy-unwindy-thing to bring everyone back to life? 




    I agree with your assessments, it's almost exactly what I would have written, with a few differences:
    "My only real complaint was with Dr. Strange who I believe was just type cast"
      - Not only Dr Strange.  Peter Quill was trying waaaay too hard to be funny.  In GotG, his humor/dialogue/jokes came more naturally.  They were way too forced in Infinity War.


      - The back story on Thanos was absolutely needed, imo.  I've never read any of the comics.  Didn't have any idea what he was about except from previous movies, so his actual love for Gamora was a surprise and required info for 90ish% of the audience.  You called it laggy exposition, but for me it was like, "are you serious? that is very interesting (in a bad way) news".


    "My theory is that somehow the good guys will get the gaunlet, remove the stones, and do a timey-windy-unwindy-thing to bring everyone back to life? "

      - My 11 yr old daughter mentioned that after the movie even before we got back to the car and before I could say it.  It was telegrammed in the movie.  Dr Strange did say there was only 1 in 4.(something) billion possible future paths that the Avengers/good guys would win, and then later when Stark asked Strange why he gave up the time stone, he said it was the only way - Stark must survive.
    So it is highly likely that Stark figures something out and between Banner, Thor and those few others that survived has the ability to get their hands on the time stone to bring them all back.  

    Those or some similar scenario must occur.  I mean, I can't believe that MCU will give up on Black Panther after just one feature film that broke box office records, or even on Gaurdians of the Galaxy, which did quite well also even without breaking records... How many others died as well?  Are they seriously throwing away so much of their revenue generating characters?  No chance of that.

    The final difference between your review and what I (and even more, my daughter) felt was the disappointment of Thor not winning in that climactic scene after he had lost EVERYTHING, and still fought and overcame the immense hurdles...  


  20. Saw it tonight...

    No spoilers, except both Superman and Wonderwoman die.  Aquaman can no longer breathe underwater.  Oh wait, that's the wrong universe...

    Honestly, I was disappointed.  They did everything they could possibly do to make it EPIC<!!!> , and it was, but I was still disappointed.  I will discuss after others have had the chance to see it. Until then - 



  21. I watched the whole series.  I workshift work, and this past weekend was my shifts, 12 hr/day, which was enough between Sat and Sun to finish it all between what little work came in.


    I was never a fan of this when I was younger, but my 11 yr old is into things like this, so I checked it out.  It's TV 12 (ish) due to some mild cursing, abstract sexual references, and generally scary things that shouldn't affect adults, but were too scary for my daughter.


    Overall, I was mostly entertained.  It was 'big-budget' according to an article I read, and nothing in it made me think that it suffered from not having enough money.  The 'chariots' were real land vehicles, totally believable to me.  The space scenes and the space station were also good enough to not break the 4th wall.  I also thought the acting was passable to good, especially by the two youngest stars, Will and the middle sister Penny.


    There were some plot holes and some stretches that were pretty boring, but it always pulled me back into it before I gave up.  Being stuck behind a desk for 12 hours makes you more tolerant I suppose.  It also seemed like the writers/directors/producers couldn't figure out exactly who their intended audience was supposed to be. At times there was no cursing at all within an entire episode, and when they suddenly did, it sometimes seemed out of place because another scene prior had more reason for the language but it wasn't used.  Another issue was that some characters actions were at times out of character - without sufficient explanation.

    It definitely set itself up for a second season, but it's unknown as of today whether  there will be one.  If it does come out, I will probably watch it.

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