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Posts posted by phanooglestixs

  1. Going to keep giving the show a shot into season 3.  The deal breaker for me will be the Stone of Tear.  If the show skips all of that and goes straight into journeying to the Aiel Waste then I will be done.  The fact that I did not get to see the chase from Fal Dara to Falme and the reflection worlds of the Stone Pillars ruined season 2 for me.  The characters ended up being where they needed to be by the end of the season, but the journey was so different that, once again I wonder why these film people try "adaptations" rather than just creating their own unique world.  Lazy story tellers.

  2. Yes, I understand that it is difficult to translate something from novel format to television and movies.  That being said, if the adaptation is going to deviate significantly from the source material, then it should not be made at all.  If you want to tell your own story fine, tell your own story.  Don't chop a story into a bunch of pieces and then paste them together while using the name to entice an already dedicated fanbase.

  3. The sole metric I am using when saying that WoT is more of a world driven story is the sheer volume of interpersonal drama.  Yes, it exist in WoT, but more as a tool to make the story feel more real rather than as a core factor pushing the story forward.  Learning that next little juicy tidbit about the world, the Age of Legends, the Prophecies of the Dragon, those were far more useful than say, the love triangle between Perrin, his wife and the First of (Mayne? Can't remember exactly and don't feel like looking it up), or how envious Elaida was for not getting the Seat.  I don't even think RJ gave Elaida any other motivation than her half-assed foretelling ability.

  4. Depends on the fantasy world itself in my opinion.  Game of Thrones was much easier to do than Wheel of Time for two reasons, the primary being the amount of "fantasy" in the world itself.  Outside of the dragons and some random mysticism that either involved strange looking people or bringing people back to life.  There was Bran's powers, but they hardly delved into it and it was honestly easy to come up with a way to translate that to film.  The Wheel of Time has a bunch of magic, cataclysmic power struggles, interdimensional travel, a bunch of mystical relics and monstrous creatures.  Much more difficult and expensive to do all that well.  


    The second difference comes from my own personal interpretation of the worldsmithing/storytelling of the two.  A Song of Fire and Ice is a character driven story, the Wheel of Time is a world driven story.  The difference between the two is the amount of interpersonal drama/conflict.  Humans love drama, that is why all the highest rated shows, most award winning movies and bestselling books are heavily dependent on drama.  The Wheel of Time did not do that, it is one of the reasons critics always call the characters too two dimensional.  They even had to invent a wife for Perrin to kill just so he could have some sort of justification for why he constantly struggled to think things through rather than allowing the wolf to take over, instead of the justification in the books where it was just because he was always the larger boy growing up.

  5. There was a lot of potential to continue in the world of the Wheel of Time after AMOL, such as the rumored story of Mat & Tuon heading back to Seanchan.  At least two other Forsaken are left alive at the end outside of Lanfear and there was the common catchphrase in the world about no one falling so far to shadow that they could not return to the light.  And while Lanfear was a power hungry, jealous woman from Lews Therin's perspective, and after becoming Lanfear, that is just one perspective.  From what I remember, her (and the other dude, whatever his name is) purpose for boring into the Dark Ones prison was benign, to access a form of energy that could be used by both men and women, thus furthering their great works of the age.  Sure, it went to crap, someone should have done some more test and calculations before actually doing it, but the idea behind it could have been largely benevolent.  I always thought she was being setup for a redemption that unfortunately never came to pass.

  6. Lanfear was always my favorite of the Forsaken, and as far as the actress to play her, do it right and hire four.  One for young, glamour, screwing with Rand Lanfear, one as normal Lanfear, one Karen cow merchant Lanfear and finally reborn looking like a Targaryen Lanfear.

  7. The journey through the parallel world at the start of the hunt, that's probably cut.  So much of that journey is likely going to be condensed, one episode between Fal Dara and Cairhien.  Might cut out Cairhien, the Stedding and go straight to Falme as well.  Most of season 2 will likely focus on the girls, so mostly training at the tower then the journey to and struggle against the Seanchan for episodes 1-4, then a transition episode from books 2 to 3, mountains and travel, Caemlyn(again), Illian and many of the various towns will probably be skipped with 1 stop before Tear and wrapping up season 2.  That is a lot left on the cutting room floor.  As far as the Tear transition from season 2 to season 3, I can see season 2 ending with the fall of the Stone and season 3 starting with the darkspawn attack on the Stone.  They could even condense the journey to Tear, putting the Perrin group with the Egwene group, meeting up on the way south.  Rands journey south needs to stay solo though, they did a decent enough job adding in the terror elements of Ba'Alzamon screwing with them in their sleep (how they handle the mega-important dream realm is going to be a curious hurdle in the future) and Rand has a lot more of that to go through in order to get him in the proper state of mind later on.  Generally, insanity doesnt just happen, it takes work to push someone over the edge into madness, even with spiritually toxic magical energy helping.

  8. I am holding on until everything that happens the first time at the Stone of Tear.  If there have been too many changes from the source material by those scenes then I will probably need to give up because it will turn into the Eragon movie all over again where so much will need to be changed that the end product will no longer be recognizable.  And enduring anymore corruption of my favorite world will be too much of a burden for me to find enough enjoyment to justify it.

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