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Posts posted by Siera

  1. On December 30, 2022 we lost my grandpa.


    He was such an important figure in my life, I saw him daily as I was growing up as he was always out at the farm doing something with our tractors, spending time with our dogs or spoiling my horse. He was just such a calm presence and never got too worked up over anything, he could coax just about any animal to listen to him, and he never had to be harsh. He had the greenish thumb, anytime I did not take care of a plant, I would bring it to him, and he would bring it back to life (and keep it because I wasn't trusted 😂).


    He was sick for a few months, and I got to spend an afternoon with him just 24 hours before he passed, helping him eat and he gave me some final 'sass'. He gave me the gift of a parting hug in a dream the morning he passed. He told me it was his time to leave, wrapped his arms around me tightly like he hadn't been able to do in a few years and I just knew he was at peace, and it was confirmed to me when I woke that he had passed.


    This spring, we're planning to plant a tree on our property for him, so he is always here with us. 

  2. As seasons come and pass, we're in the change of seasons. As spring arrives here in the Northern hemisphere and fall arrives in the southern hemisphere.


    In honor (or dishonour, depending on how you feel 😂) of the change, I thought it would be fun for us to list some of our favourite or least favourite things about the change of season! This can be specific to the upcoming season or just things in general. 

    What are your top five? Here are mine:

    1. Spring means sunshine and warmth. Which also leads to swimming and scuba diving!

    2. The smell of freshly cut grass, nothing is better than that.

    3. For fall, the change of the colour of the leaves. It's just so beautiful

    4. Spring also means summer, which is my favourite season 😂

    5. Spring or fall are also excellent campfire weather ❤️ 

  3. I personally don't feel i could live under the Seanchan, at least not with who I am now and what I've been through.


    I'm huge for freedom and equality on all parts, which really goes against the Seanchan ?


    In the past, I think I could have been okay being either da'covale, or part of the blood. I think I could have found peace in having some choices taken away from me, it does take blame from yourself when things happen, as you didn't get to make that choice.


    Their military though, deserves respect as you said. It's clear that they take pride in it, as it's something, I think, unlike anything else we see in WoT. 


    I do also appreciate some of the omens that are embedded in their beliefs. I am a believer of, if it's meant to be it will be, but there are times where certain things happen that you just know something is up in the universe that maybe we don't understand. (For instance, once I was out for a walk, and my mom was at work. My grandpa passed years ago, and birds always remind me of him. So almost at the exact same moment I found a feather, and my mom shared something on FB about lost dad's with a feather. I just truly believe my Grandpa was there with us then, or watching over us).


  4. "In ancient times, Magik coursed over the land, directed by those few humans who had mastered its flow. In directing this flow of Magik, human kind split it into five parts, each with control over an element; earth, air, water, fire and spirit. Though the numbers of those who could use Magik were small, even fewer had any affinity with more than one element. Those who could guide the flow of Magik became known as Guardians and powerful Guardians were asked to join the Council of Magik."


    This is the beginning of our land, and we must fight to keep it. Only 23 years after the Great War things are starting to boil again. With the people of Lighthouse wanting to go back to the Main Land to gather lost information and artifacts. With emotions rolling, and the possibility of spies in The Heart, who knows what's going to happen.


    What will happen to the Magik users? Join and play with all the others to help create a destiny for Elements of Power.





    If you have any questions feel free to PM me, or send me an e-mail at mylandrathuandrin[at]elementsofpower[dot]ca

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