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Posts posted by Lavinya

  1. Sorry Kathleen, and thanks for the poke! I am LOA all next week, and have an assignment due while I'll gone (I am NOT studying in Hong Kong lol), so I have been desperately trying to get it done first, and then I can spend my last few days posting for all you guys. Thanks for being patient with me! :)

  2. OOC: Just a note Ama, it's Lavinya, my other Gray that is catching you out, not Pia ;)



    The dining hall was largely deserted when Lavinya stalked between the rows of tables, which at least meant mistress Laras was more likely to be free to see to Lavinya's meal. Not that the mistress of the kitchen's wouldn't drop what she was doing to aid the Gray anyway, it just meant she would be less resentful of the interruption. Not that she cared about the feelings of a mere servant, but it made her feel somewhat noble nonetheless to even consider it.


    Mistress Laras was eager to provide a meal for Lavinya, but of course, the glazed pork and I'll have some greens steamed for you in a jiffy, yes Aes Sedai. Somewhat amused, she watched the bulky woman waddle about her domain, long handled spoon swatting at any servants who didn't move fast enough for her liking. "Any green currant buns left, Laras?" The grey enquired. "Aye, Aes Sedai, in the pantry. I'll fetch them myself." Lavinya waved her away. "Nothing I cannot manage Larass, you see to my meal and I shall see to dessert myself." Smiling at her own extreme generosity, Lavinya swept from the heat of the main kitchen into the smaller preparation room that housed the pantry. The sight that greeted her, however, was far from what she'd expected.


    Lavinya heard the tale end of speech from the snivelling novice, enough to determine she was sneaking about the kitchens without permission. Lavinya clicked her tongue. She'd been a novice herself once, and smart enough to be caught only rarely. Fool girl should have claimed she was sent on a chore, or to fetch something for an Aes Sedai. Girls who could not think on their feet would make poor Aes Sedai indeed. Never mind the punishment for being caught out in a lie, it was still worth a try. Sincerely doubting the cowardly girl would have dared such an escapade on her own, Lavinya's eyes strayed down - straight into the face of a surprised and extremely guilty looking novice.


    Slowly, with naught showing on her face but mild annoyance, Lavinya folded her arms beneath her breasts. "Out from under there." She addressed Amadine, but as the girl scrambled out from beneath the table Lavinya spotted an extra arm, and realised she'd stumbled upon a tribe of thieving novices. "All of you. NOW!" The last was spoken sharply, and she barely registered surprise as several girls appeared from beneath the linens. They stood before her, red faced and guilty as sin. Most were a good deal taller than the petite Aes Sedai, but Lavinya managed to stare down her nose at all of them, one slippered foot tapping in impatience.


    "Who is going to explain to me why you are skulking about under tables in the kitchens instead of at classes or chores, hmm? Or would you rather I come to my own conclusions?"

  3. Please post any RPs for March.



    1) RP's done by Ajah characters during March


    Lavinya Morganen


    Advanced Saidar Attn Nesyer


    Lavinya teached Nesyer Advanced Saidar


    Where you go I cannot follow


    Corin begins to teach Lavinya in weapons


    Cake? bun? Fruit? honey? (OPEN RP)


    Lavinya catches some novices up to mischief in the kitchens



    Pia Tovisen, MoN


    10 Separate arrival threads


    Back to the Basics (attn: Pia Tovisen)


    Saline seeks some advice from the MoN on how to foster appropriate relationships with initiates


    2) Handle and character name(s) of members and when last RPed as that character, split into Active and Inactive


    Lavinya - Lavinya Morganen & Pia Tovisen, MoN - March



    Claireducky - Cetaile - Jul 09 (I think)


    3) RP plans / ideas


    Recruit recruit recruit. There is a current idea of a debate/discussion of sorts with the novices, hosted by the whites and adjudicated by a Gray.


    I am also doing up a revised Gray Ajah class, to begin after I have a LOA in two weeks time.


    4) Interaction with N&A (remember that recruitment idea we discussed in another thread)


    Both of the above include novices. Also, I will start an OOC thread to see how the novices would like to interact with the Grays.


    5) Problems, ideas, etc


    Still the sitter issue, and the lack of active members. Really hoping to snag a new recruit or two from the new batch of novices.


    Also, I will have a week long LOA in two weeks time - off to Hong Kong again! Will post it officially but wanted to give you notice so you can plan for someone to post for new novices if need be. :)



  4. So the girl had already been tested. This meant she had to know, somewhere deep down inside of herself that she would be accepted within the White Tower. That she would learn to channel, to the best of her abilities. Still the girl shifted in her seat, as if she couldn’t quite believe that she would be asked to stay. Pia decided to relieve her from the tension that was building. She opened the book of Novices which was still in front of her. “So you’ve been tested already. How fortunate.” She picked up her pen, and prepared to write. “Let’s see about making your stay here a bit more permanent then, shall we?”


    She didn’t have to look at the young woman to see that there was a change in the tension that had kept her in it’s thrall. “Can you tell me your full name again?” As the girl replied, she wrote it down in the book. Another life sealed to the Tower, for better and for worse. “And your place of birth and raising?” again she wrote, making Elody‘s stay more certain with every letter, every curved or straight line. “And finally your age.” She finished with a dot behind the age, which felt as heavy and important as any signature from any high lord or lady. “Welcome to the White Tower.”



    Pia Tovisen, MoN

  5. "That was all you, child." Pia smiled, inwardly delighted at the girl's amazement and what she took for wonder. "It was only tiny, but it was you channeling saidar, if only for a moment."


    Strange enough, the testing didn’t mean that the girl looked any more secure than she had before about her stay at the White Tower. Even though she had to know, somewhere deep down inside of herself that she would be accepted within the White Tower. That she would learn to channel, to the best of her abilities. Still the girl shifted in her seat, as if she couldn’t quite believe that she would be asked to stay. Pia decided to relieve her from the tension that was building. She opened the book of Novices which was still in front of her. She picked up her pen, and prepared to write. “Let’s see about making your stay here a bit more permanent then, shall we?”


    She didn’t have to look at the young woman to see that there was a change in the tension that had kept her in it’s thrall. “Can you tell me your full name again?” As the girl replied, she wrote it down in the book. Another life sealed to the Tower, for better and for worse. “And your place of birth and raising?” again she wrote, making Kathleen‘s stay more certain with every letter, every curved or straight line. “And finally your age.” She finished with a dot behind the age, which felt as heavy and important as any signature from any high lord or lady. “Welcome to the White Tower.”



    Pia Tovisen, MoN

  6. Not even a tiny flicker of surprise crossed Pia's features as the words finally erupted from Patience; the Aes Sedai serenity that kept her expression smooth never faltered. That the girl could channel Pia had no doubt. Now that she thought about it, she allowed herself to sense the ability that lay dormant inside her. It was there, resonant and matching to Pia's own ability.

    "Oh, I have a feeling you know why." Pia smiled a little, and wondered if the girl honestly believed the Aes Sedai who has brought her to Pia had kept her ignorant.  "You can channel child, of that there is no doubt. I can already sense it, so it is quite possible you've already channeled before on your own, though if that is the case you must never do so again without an Aes Sedai directing you. The consequences can be dire."


    Whether Patience believed her or not Pia couldn't tell, though she did seem to be desperately searching for an escape route. Very few girls, even those who truly hoped to be Aes Sedai some day, believed they possessed the gift until they saw the evidence for themselves. "Fear not child, you need not merely take my word for it." Pia's lips curved in a small smile. Reaching into a drawer in her desk, she removed a small gem, smoothed and rounded and almost the size of her palm. It was polished, but not so much that the emerald green caught and reflected the light.


    She moved around the desk and stopped in front of Patience, nervously twitching in the chair. "You can see the evidence for yourself, quite simply. All I want you to do is focus on the stone," her eyes met Patience's for a moment and she smiled again, "just trust me and do as I say, it will not hurt you. Just forget everything else, forget about me, the room, just focus all your energy on the stone." And so she continued to speak, a gentle soothing tone, waiting for the inevitable moment when the gem blazed with an inner light. It lasted only a few moments, flickered and was gone, but there was no denying it had existed. "That," she said softly, "tells me beyond doubt that you can channel, Patience." Pia smiled again, warm and broad. "And that means you are meant to be here."


    Pia Tovisen, MoN

  7. Gentle, Pia thought. She must be gentle with this one. She smiled kindly at Maryam before returning to her original seat behind the desk, replacing the gem squarely in the drawer. "I understand you do not wish to channel the power, child. I myself was no different, when I was your age." Her fingers folded neatly on the immaculate desk top and she gazed earnestly at Maryam. "Unfortunately, having the ability discovered poses a dangerous situation. One day, you will be unable to help but channel. Then it will become easier, and you will do it again, and again. If you are lucky. To channel without teaching is extremely dangerous. It is one of the tower's strictest rules - no novice may channel without the presence of an Accepted or Aes Sedai instructing them. Unchecked, you could burn out the ability, or much worse, you could kill not only yourself but those around you."


    Pia disliked having to scare the girl when she was already so fragile, but it was a necessary evil. She took her role as the mistress of novices very seriously, and her first charge was to protect the girls under her care from harming themselves and each other. There was no question that Maryam was the newest of these novices - it was only now a matter of convincing the girl. "It is a frightening thought, yes? What you need do is study at the tower. You will become a novice, and we will teach you control, how to not only use your power, but how to do so safely. Once you have this necessary control, then you will be able to safely return to your home." Assuming she didn't have what it took to be Aes Sedai, anyway. Pia did not deign to add that they tower would not let her go if she showed true potential, not until she wore both the serpent ring and the shawl of an Aes Sedai.


    The letter from Maryam's Grandam was resting on the table, Pia tapped it lightly with one finger. "Your grandmother knew all these things when she sent you here, child. She is both ensuring your safety and that of everyone around you by seeking our aid and training." With that said, the ancient Gray sister drew the giant book of novices out of another desk drawer and set it reverently upon the desk. "In here is the record of every girl who ever trained at the tower. If you like, I can look up the entries of your mother and grandmother once we are done." Taking a pen, Pia dipped it carefully in ink and held it poised above the most recent page. "Please state again, for the record, your full name, age, and place of birth."



    Pia Tovisen, MoN

  8. Not even a tiny flicker of surprise crossed Pia's features at the rough language spouting from the obviously ill bred child in front of her; the Aes Sedai serenity that kept her expression smooth never faltered. That Mara could channel Pia had no doubt. Now that she thought about it, she allowed herself to sense the ability that lay dormant inside her. It was there, resonant and matching to Pia's own ability.

    "Oh you can channel girl, of that there is no doubt. I can already sense it, so it is quite possible you've already channeled before on your own, though if that is the case you must never do so again without an Aes Sedai directing you. The consequences can be dire."


    Mara did not seem particularly convinced but this did not put Pia off. Very few girls, even those who truly hoped to be Aes Sedai some day, believed they possessed the gift until they saw the evidence for themselves. "Fear not child, you need not merely take my word for it." Pia's lips curved in a small smile. Reaching into a drawer in her desk, Pia removed a small gem, smoothed and rounded and almost the size of her palm. It was polished, but not so much that the emerald green caught and reflected the light.


    She moved around the desk and stopped in front of Mara, still perched in that unladylike position on the arm of the chair. "You can see the evidence for yourself, quite simply. All I want you to do is focus on the stone," her eyes met Mara's for a moment and she smiled again, "just trust me and do as I say, it will not hurt you. Just forget everything else, forget about me, the room, just focus all your energy on the stone." And so she continued to speak, a gentle soothing tone, waiting for the inevitable moment when the gem blazed with an inner light. It lasted only a few moments, flickered and was gone, but there was no denying it had existed. "That," she said softly, "tells me beyond doubt that you can channel, Mara."


    Pia Tovisen, MoN

  9. “Is that all, Pia Sedai? Or do you have more for me? Or may I leave?”


    At this prompting, Pia launched into a lengthy description of the many rules that applied to novices, and the behaviour expected of them. There was quite a good deal to know, from classes and meals decorum, to curfews, areas that were out of bounds, to how to appropriately greet an Aes Sedai that passed by in the hall. Not far into her spiel, however, Regalia's attention began to obviously wander. Pia frowned, waiting for the girl to bring her eyes back to the woman speaking to her, but the rude chit was too busy ogling the orderly room.


    "Regalia, are you listening?" Pia's tone was somewhat irritated, which at least managed to catch Regalia's wayward thoughts. "You will need to work on your attention span, child," Pia admonished. "If you have not managed to grasp a concept of what I just told you, you will have to work it out for yourself, and quickly. Assuming you want to avoid a trip to my office for something a good deal more unpleasant than a cup of tea and a chat." It seems the information that had been passed to her regarding her newest novice was spot on - the child was rude, flighty, and rather disrespectful. Nothing Pia could not train out of her though, on this she was confident. It just took a firm hand and sometimes equally firm spankings.


    Giving the girl one last firm look, Pia rose and opened a tall cupboard, withdrawing from it two clean and folded white dresses, a pair of slippers, stockings, a shift, and a belt, all in the same unrelieved white. "This is what you will wear from now on. Keep them clean and well mended in your own time. Failure to do so will result in discipline. They should fit or close enough too, if they do not you may visit the tower seamstress and she will see about fitting you." Pia placed the pile of garments in Regalia's arms and returned to her desk. "Now, do you have any final questions?"


    Pia Tovisen


  10. Did anyone care to run this by the MoN first for the novice/accepted input yet? Err, no. ;)


    I do like the initial idea though. Let me have a look and I will get back to you on what I think is acceptable for the initiates. If anyone wants this to count as a requirement they will need approval FROM ME FIRST. I'm super relaxed and love to foster your imagination and let you run free (within the boundaries of the world and plausibility) but for future reference for ANYONE planning rps for novices/accepted that toe the line, check with me before looking for sign ups. Don't want to disappoint people if it turns out they're not gonna be allowed to play, ya know? :)


    Anyway, haven't said no yet, just don't take anything as confirmed until I've had a good think, alrighty?


    Love your enthusiasm though Boopsie  :-*

  11. I agree with Tay. Simple is better and easier than totally changing everything. And the proposal isn't over the top and is plausible. Probably the only thing that would need really long looking at is the reequirements to gain the higher scores, and making them attainable but only after a LOT of hard work and seriously good reason, and approval from the two DLs.

  12. Some things are the way they are, because that is how they always have been. Like Accepted were allowed to train in the WY up to a maximum of 5. I think a few who went green did it that way, became interested in battle and tactics as a lead up to choosing the Ajah.


    I don't think anyone save the Greens should have a higher WS than anyone else.


    I think 5 is a perfectly acceptable cap for all other Ajahs, and that 7 is also ample for Greens. It's enough to equal a raw tower guard recruit, ie a just promoted trainee. Not too high, but high enough to be adequate.


    If anyone wants a higher WS than this, I think they would need some pretty impressive reasoning. But maybe, a good way to make this change is to allow for applying to go higher. I'm not saying it would be easy and that anyone could attain it, but that way the option is there for anyone who really needs/wants the higher score. Say, once a Green reached her cap of 7, she had some really plausible and pressing IC need to go higher. Let's say she watched all her warders cut down while she was shielded or something. If she'd been that little more skilled, she may have been a help. Say that her character develops a new resolve to train for when she's helpless. (Or something, I like to think that anyone who seriously wants a higher WS is going to have a whole lot better reasoning than I can think of off the top of my head lol). Let them apply officially, and have both the WT DL and WY DL look it over and decide if there is reason enough, and let them have the power to approve or deny. That way, it's only in extreme circumstances and is more plausible. It's entirely possible that out of 200 Aes Sedai in the tower, 5 or ten of them had trained to a level 8 or 9 WS ability in their lifetime.


    So, my proposal in summary (and it is just a suggestion, please pick apart/change/add to at will)


    No Novices may train

    Accepted may APPLY to train with good IC reason, up to a maximum of WS3 (so no more than basic care handling of weapons essentially)

    All Ajahs EXCEPT for Green may train to a maximum of WS 5

    Greens may train to a maximum of WS 7

    Higher scores are rare and are only allowed to be trained for after applying to the WT & WY DLs, with extremely good IC reasons and purpose for the higher score. Even with special permissions, Greens may train no higher than 10, and all other ajahs no higher than 7


    Something like that. I'd say too, that the training for the higher levels be very difficult to achieve, so that people are going to really really want it to even attempt to apply and complete the reqs.


    And that's my two cents and then some :)



    Elgee, what makes you so awesome is that you listen regardless of who the opinion belongs to or how contrary it is to your own. I know I have disagreed with a few times lately and you have always listened and thought and made educated decisions after taking everything on board. Sign of a good leader, my dear friend *snuggle*

  13. Wow boopsie, you're all about the lady love in the WT, here your into sweaty muscles. Ever heard of boy on girl? All the rage in some parts, I hear.


    Right. I'm here!


    Olivia Tamedo

    Tavern Wenchalicious


    I'm lazy and busy (awesome combo, eh?) But I wanna rp stuff. Finding out secrets from drunken lecherous whispers and pillow talk. Be dandled a time or two. Get drunk. Fall over. That kind of thing. ;D

  14. Oh blimey...rough time you guys are having! Never mind me and my trivial dramas. I'm just a whinger lol.


    Where do you live again, Ama? I was born and bred in Tamworth so I'm trying to figure it out. Really hope things start looking up for your poor Mum and your family!

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