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Posts posted by Finnssss22

  1. Do Angreal and Sa'angreal increase your ability to reach the source or does it only help in letting you take in more of it?


    What I mean is: If Rand was shielded then managed to grab Calandor, would he be able to burst through the shield easily or does it only work if he's able to touch the source in the first place?

    I believe it would be the latter. Rand has the Choedan Kal when he is shielded by the Aes Sedai, and it doesn't seem to help. The shield is a buffer between the channeler and the OP, and i don't believe it would be possible to activate an angreal without the OP.


    When was Rand ever shield when he actually had the Choedan Kal with him? And to be honest, the only other time I can think of off the top of my when he was ever shield besides LoC was when he went to the WT in ToM.

    He was shielded when he had the Fat Man angreal in LoC but that was by a full 13 and from what we've been told, it doesn't matter how powerful one is when a full circle of 13 is used.

  2. When Elayne and company meet with Nesta for the first time, Baroc the Master of Blades mentions " the doom of prophesy sailing the oceans" anyone know what this is? first thought was the Seanchan but now i'm wondering if it might be the red sails from the first chapter of ToM


    I read that as just a Seafolk way of saying that prophecy is being fullfilled and a new breaking is coming.

    I don't think it was intended to be literal.

  3. Who says there aren't DF's among the Kin? Just because we haven't met any yet, doesn't mean jack.

    They're in every other organisation.


    That's not what i'm talking about, i'm wondering why they're torturing and killing random Readers in Ebou Dar if they know there is an organisation based there that takes in runaways and cast outs.


    Oh, that.

    They are also looking for the stash and I thought that's the info they were torturing them for.

  4. @Tensai0211 What makes you think that they don't know about the Kin?


    There a viewpoint from Falion where they kill a reader while looking for the cache, it might simply be RJ was keeping them secret because its before Elayne and Nynaeve go to see Mat and get taken to the KIn. But when i was reading it i was wondering why they were killing Callie if they knew the Kin existed why they didn't infiltrate the Kin?


    Who says there aren't DF's among the Kin? Just because we haven't met any yet, doesn't mean jack.

    They're in every other organisation.

  5. Why would components that move be impractical?


    Why would armor need to be flexible? Just how flexible is an iron/steel breast plate? If flexibility is necessary, scale armor and custom crafted interlocking metal bands for joints would rectify that problem.

    One reason for the flexibility of armor is so that it could be easily put on and took off. Another reason is so that the person inside could easily move.


    Moveable components would be impracticable because cuendillar is immobile (and inflexible).


    One thing about cuendillar is that the weave turns each connected piece into cuendillar.

    Examples from the books::

    -the two connected cups

    -both chains at the ends of Tar Valon.


    Another note about cuendillar::

    The Guide tells that few things were made into cuendillar during the Age of Legends.


    The best option, simplest and the fastest IMO is to make medium round shields with about a 2-2.5 foot diameter.

    A blacksmith could hammer the iron almost paper thin and he wouldn't even have to attach the strap holders himself, he would just have to make them separately and lay them on top so the holders would just fuse together when it's made into cuendillar.

  6. Well, since there are multiple ways of doing things with the power (remember the problem with learning a weave a certain way?), the end result is all that seems to matter. Since the end result is all that matters, it is reasonable that given enough time to study it, one could recreate it. As long as you can see the weaves.


    Not with a Gateway though. Once it's formed, there are no weaves to read any more. You would have to see it done.



    Does anyone know Taim's actual strength?


    No, not his actual strength, just specualtion from when Rand made him hold as much as he could in LoC. At the time, Taim could hold almost as much as Rand unaided could BUT Rand wasn't maxed out yet AND Rand is not sure if Taim was holding as much as he could. Rand did not feel Taim straining enough to be holding his maximum.



    Did Nicola die in the tower durring the Masana fight in ToM.


    Looks that way, yes.

  7. Most likely it can be reasoned out. Remember Rand following Sammael to Shadar Logoth at the end of aCoS? Sammael makes a gateway, Rand copies his weave but alters it slightly. The same should work for a tied off weave.


    That's a bad example to be honest.

    Rand has the same rare talent as Avi, in that he can read weave residues and recreate them. Almost anyone else would have actually had to have seem Sammy make the Gateway to recreate it.

    Gateways in general are bad examples. You can only learn how to make one if you see it made. You can't learn how from a Gateway that's already formed. Even Rand and Avi would have to wait until the Gateway "winks" out.


    I think what's being asked depends on the weaves and what they form or if they form into anything.

    A fireball for example would be active weaves to keep it together while a lightning bolt you wouldn't see how it was done unless you saw the weaves at its creation point.

    Or like cuendillar and power wrought weapons. You can't tell what weaves were used in their creation once the process is done. You would have to see it actually being done.

  8. About cuendillar, some things would be impracticable as cuendillar since it is a solid substance. Armor (suggested in past threads) would be one of those things; because armor needs to be flexible.

    jets, rockets, machines; some of their parts may need to be flexible and/or moveable. moveable things would also be impracticable as cuendillar.


    About Karaethon/Essanik/Jendai, the books do not tell the origins of those terms; at least not explicitly.

    Jendai Prophecies seems to deal mainly with the Sea Folk; the term Jendai probably relates somehow to the Sea Folk.

    Essanik; the first of those I guessed were corruptions by Ishamael from the Karaethon Cycle; still guessing that.


    Actually the Essanik and Karaethon Cycles are separate.

    The Karaethon was writtten in the AoL. It is widely speculated that it was the copies of the Karaethon Cycle that Hawkwing's kin brought with them that Ishy corrupted.

    All we know of the Essanik Cycle is that it is a collection of damane foretellings and we have no proof that any of the info in it existed prior to about 1100 years ago when the first women were collared.

    They are most definitely separate though.

  9. Can the effects of Sa'angreal and linking stack?


    Like can Rand be linked with a hundred men and women and then use Callandor? or the Choedan Kal?


    Yes. Though, I think the limit of a circle is 72.


    Correct, it starts with 2 full circles of 13 women linked with 1 man but you can only increase the circle by 8 women per man after this to a max of 72

    It goes

    13 women linked

    + 1 man

    13 more women

    +1 man

    8 more women

    +1 man

    8 more women

    +1 man

    8 more women

    +1 man

    8 more women

    +1 man

    8 more women

    MAX 66 women, 6 men or I assume any combo of men and women equaling 72 as long as there are not more men than women.


    So only 6 men can take part in a linking? Can these 6 come at any point? Like can you have a linking of 1 woman and 6 men?



    I bolded the line you missed ;)

  10. Can the effects of Sa'angreal and linking stack?


    Like can Rand be linked with a hundred men and women and then use Callandor? or the Choedan Kal?


    Yes. Though, I think the limit of a circle is 72.


    Correct, it starts with 2 full circles of 13 women linked with 1 man but you can only increase the circle by 8 women per man after this to a max of 72

    It goes

    13 women linked

    + 1 man

    13 more women

    +1 man

    8 more women

    +1 man

    8 more women

    +1 man

    8 more women

    +1 man

    8 more women

    +1 man

    8 more women

    MAX 66 women, 6 men or I assume any combo of men and women equaling 72 as long as there are not more men than women.

  11. Then why is the Dark One bound by time, or bound in Shayol Ghoul? I could have sworn that he was bound in the Wheel of Time.


    He's not bound in Shayol Ghoul, that's a character drawn misconception.

    That is just where the pattern is at its thinnest and the easiest place for the DO to "touch" the world.





    What exactly is the Bore?

    Robert Jordan:


    Well, it is at... No, I shouldn't say that. It is a thinness in the Pattern that you can feel the most at Shayol Ghul.

    Regardless, why is he bound by time if he is outside the Wheel?


    Not sure what you mean?

    Isn't the phrase "Bound for all time" not "Bound by time"?

  12. Then why is the Dark One bound by time, or bound in Shayol Ghoul? I could have sworn that he was bound in the Wheel of Time.


    He's not bound in Shayol Ghoul, that's a character drawn misconception.

    That is just where the pattern is at its thinnest and the easiest place for the DO to "touch" the world.





    What exactly is the Bore?

    Robert Jordan:


    Well, it is at... No, I shouldn't say that. It is a thinness in the Pattern that you can feel the most at Shayol Ghul.

  13. Yeah, I know all that. You just highlighted the problem!


    How can I feel like the characters are in danger when reality is shifting IN-UNIVERSE to protect them? How can the villains fight that? Why don't they quit? If reality will contrive a person to sneak up on them just as they're about to make the final blow then why do they bother?


    and more importantly, why should I care?


    You do realise that Mat did indeed die at the end of tFoH.


    Seriously man, you need to keep reading and believe me when I tell you that none of three ta'veren make it through to the end unscathed. Dude...not by a long shot!

  14. Oh, you mean the "He wants to destroy the pattern too because he's tired of the repetitive nature of the WOT" thing? Cuz I know that


    hmmmm... Is Demandred smarter than Lews. Or was Lews perfect at everything? -____-


    Depends how you want to look at it. Looking at it from Demandred's perpective, he believes he is smarter than LTT, that LTT was just overly lucky. Considering that LTT was ta'veren, he might not be completely wrong.

    To be honest, it's really hard to answer much on Demandred without spoiling anything for you.


    Besides, you're on Lord of Chaos now. That is one hell of a book and has, IMO, the single greatest and most awesome endings of any book in the series!!!

    Get to it man lol

  15. If Demandred was meant to be second only to Lews in terms of the Power. Then where does Ishamael and Aginor come in?


    All 4 are pretty close to each other in raw strength.

    The reason it gets mentioned so much with Demandred is because it falls in line with everything else. He was just behind LTT in everything, second in height, second in power, second in influence, second in accomplishments. It's said many times throughout the series that if not for LTT, Barid Bel Medar would of been the most accomplished man of the AoL.

    It's all those second place finishes that led to his hate of LTT and one of the main reasons he went over to the Shadow.

  16. finished book 5.


    Did the attempted team up between Rahvin, Graendal, Lanfear and Sammael serve any real purpose in the end?


    It served Lanfear's purpose. She manipulated the other three to help her snare LTT and push him towards her. But that plot fell apart in the battle of the docks in Cairhien. And Cyndane is paying the price for that piece of ambition.


    More importantly, the plot restrained the two male Foresaken posing the greatest danger to Rand: Rahvin and Sammael. If both, with Graendal, moved against Rand in force, he would have been in real danger. The plot gave Rand enough time to secure Cairhien and then move against Rahvin (in rage and for vengeance) and Sammael (in a well-organized plan).


    Actually, the main part of the plan was to serve someone up for Rand to focus on so he wasn't focusing on them. That person was of course Sammael, who they didn't need to push very hard, despite his objections at being the bait. He was to be at the forefront but Sammy was also not keen on having to trust them or that he even needed them to defeat Rand..

    The plan was for Sammy to be the bait while Lanfear, Graendal and Rahvin waited linked to ambush Rand when he went after Sammy.


    This was all revealed in Nynaeve's PoV in tFoH-34 when Brigitte takes her to spy on Moghedien, who in turn, is spying on Lanfear, Rahvin, Graendal and Sammael.

  17. I don't think I have seen an "in depth" discussion but if I had to guess off the top of my head, it would have something to do with her higher than normal resistance to Compulsion and mind altering effects.

    Alright, thanks. I think there is a greater significance to the event, considering it has happened twice when it didn't need to happen at all. The only explanation we get for it is a throwaway line about training in TAR, but the first time it happened Nynaeve was still inexperienced in TAR.


    Yeah, exactly. The explanation that it was her experience in TAR is just what the characters believe and may not be the correct one. Wouldn't be the first time what the characters "know" and believe has turned out to be wrong.

    Nyn's higher mental resistance seems to fit better for both instances.

    But it seems a somewhat random and insignificant explanation to an unnecessary and somewhat suspect event. To go along with the comparison to TAR, we know Nynaeve isn't as willful as Egwene--even before either were trained, Egwene was easily able to affect events around her while Nynaeve was much more slow-learning, and generally much weaker. Something doesn't fit. I think i'll post a thread on it sometime soon, just to see what everyone else thinks.


    It's not about being "willful" or who was able to grasp the workings of TAR quicker.

    It's about a person having a natural resistance to Compulsion and Compulsion like effects.

    This resistance is a very rare talent and the only women that this has been confirmed in is Morgase and Nynaeve


    When I looked for quotes, this one came up in which Terez was thinking the exact same thing and asked BS about it, which is a better answer than I could of given you.



    Is the weave used in the shawl testing a form of Compulsion?

    Brandon Sanderson


    They’re definitely cousins. Whether they would consider it a form of Compulsion...to them, Compulsion is complete evil, so they will not view it at all like that...



    Yeah, I thought that might be part of what Verin used to cobble together her own Compulsion weave.



    Yeah. They’re definitely cousins.



    This question came out of a thread I started on Theoryland, which in turn came out of a response Brandon made to someone on Twitter. I thought that Nynaeve remembering she could channel at all in her Accepted test might be related to her ability to resist Compulsion as she did with Moghedien (which, as we know from Rahvin, is a fairly rare ability possessed by only the most strong-willed, such as Morgase). Egwene's Accepted test is a whole different ballgame because of her Dreaming talent and the interference with the stone ring ter'angreal that Verin had just given her.

  18. Is there any non-channeler skilled enough to defeat Galad in a fight?

    Lan is a better swordsman i think, and Mat i think could also beat him.


    Lan for sure and it would be silly to bet against Mat.

    Can't really count Gwayn out either. I mean if they squared off in a best of 7, I don't think Gwayn winning 2-3 of 7 would be all that surprising.



    I can't find a thread on it, is there any in-depth discussion about Nynaeve cheating on her Aes Sedai and Accepted tests? I have a theory...


    I don't think I have seen an "in depth" discussion but if I had to guess off the top of my head, it would have something to do with her higher than normal resistance to Compulsion and mind altering effects.

    Alright, thanks. I think there is a greater significance to the event, considering it has happened twice when it didn't need to happen at all. The only explanation we get for it is a throwaway line about training in TAR, but the first time it happened Nynaeve was still inexperienced in TAR.


    Yeah, exactly. The explanation that it was her experience in TAR is just what the characters believe and may not be the correct one. Wouldn't be the first time what the characters "know" and believe has turned out to be wrong.

    Nyn's higher mental resistance seems to fit better for both instances.

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