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Status Replies posted by hotpocket2006

  1. Wow stranger danger!! :oP How have you been?

    1. hotpocket2006


      Wow I found the comments!!! They were hiding >.> I am getting ready to leave the desert in a little bit, so I have been hella busy preparing for that time. lol

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. has his DVR ready for some NFL playoff action. Most intriguing match up is the Broncos vs. The Patriots. I wonder if there will be some more Tebow magic.

  3. Happy belated Birthday to Song. Sorry I missed it. :(

    1. hotpocket2006


      I totally forgot to comment on this way back when, but thank you deary<3

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Attack Attack! dance party in the desert ftw!

  5. wandering and wondering

    1. hotpocket2006


      where you wandering to? :P

  6. Busy busy busy bee!

  7. I'm going to Rome - all expenses paid... Jealous much??? :P

    1. hotpocket2006


      Yes!!!! *pouts*

  8. All the the pokemon in gen 5 look ritarded

    1. hotpocket2006


      *nods* They sure do :oP

  9. Monthly discussion in the Green ajah, You should participate! Yes, I mean you! *points*

    1. hotpocket2006


      That's true as you have to be a member of the WT org to see it. It's on family values.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Monthly discussion in the Green ajah, You should participate! Yes, I mean you! *points*

    1. hotpocket2006


      Yayz! I roped one in<3 I'm running the discussion ^^

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. Song of Ice and Fire becoming a series of graphic novels?!? Super excited.

    1. hotpocket2006


      I am so excited for the show. I think it will be awesome, especially since George has a say in it. I'm sad I'm deploying halfway through the season, so I will miss some of it :(

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Finally finished The Name of the Wind!

  13. Finally finished The Name of the Wind!

  14. Hopes to finish name of the wind this weekend.

    1. hotpocket2006


      You better or else :oP

  15. Gosh I hate winter.

    1. hotpocket2006


      Goodness I wish I could go to Africa *is so jealous*

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. 100 profile veiws...aalllllriiighht

    1. hotpocket2006


      I beat you with 658 :oP

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