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Memory Keeper Application Process


The final book in the Wheel of Time series, A Memory of Light, will be released on January 8, 2013. This date also marks the beginning of Brandon Sanderson's A Memory of Light book tour. You can find the list of dates, locations, and venues here.


Dragonmount will be recruiting approximately 5-7 Memory Keepers for each book signing event. The Memory Keepers will get the coveted opportunity to meet with Brandon (and in some cases, Harriet McDougal Rigney) in a casual setting before the actual book signing. This usually involves meeting for a meal at a location near the signing venue. Memory Keepers will have the chance to get their books signed without having to wait in line with the crowds. They will also receive a free Memory Keepers tee shirt to commemorate their involvement with the book tour.


In return for this opportunity, we're going to put you to work. Each Memory Keeper will be asked to help document the event in different ways. Some will take photos. Others will take notes and do a blog write-up for Dragonmount to share with the wider community. Some will hand out promotional materials to people standing in line. If the bookstore needs help organizing lines, one of the Memory Keepers will be there to help. If Harriet needs a glass of water, the Memory Keepers will be there to take care of that.


Another important task for some of the Memory Keepers will be to get involved on our message boards and on our Facebook group to help promote the event. We'll probably ask that each "regiment" of the Memory Keepers get together in person at the bookstore once before the event in order to work out logistics and delegate tasks. You'll be provided with a packet of more detailed guidelines once the teams are assembled.


How to Apply:


We are currently accepting applications. Click here and fill out the form to apply. You cannot apply more than once. You cannot serve as a Memory Keeper for more than one event in this tour, and we regret that we cannot choose you again if you were chosen as a Storm Leader or Tower Guard in previous years.


The deadline for applications is 11:59 PM (Pacific Standard Time) on December 7th. We will be contacting everyone via e-mail within a week of the deadline to let you know if you have been selected or not.

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I can't wait to find out! I hope I can get picked for Chicago. Either way I'll be there.

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4 days past the deadline....  I hope we are not using the WoT definition of 'within a week'....  ;-)

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  On 12/11/2012 at 8:47 PM, Githraine said:

4 days past the deadline....  I hope we are not using the WoT definition of 'within a week'....  ;-)


Hopefully they will let everyone know by Friday although it would make sense to start with the early tour dates and make their way through the later tour dates... Just have to keep checking our email addresses until we get something (Think they said they'd email all entrants - Accepted or not)



Really hoping that I'm picked for the Sacremento event since the tour and applications were announced on my birthday and it would be a great honor to help out with the tour for the last book in the series... But even if I don't get picked I will be there.

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I have not gotten any email of any kind yet. I am hoping they let us know one way or the other soon. I would love to do it, but if I am not chosen then I would like to make alternate plans. 


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Has anyone at all gotten a notification yet?  I'm hopeful, but if I haven't gotten an email by now, I'm thinking I did not get chosen, right?

No pressure.  Just curious.

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Don't see a way to quote from my phone but i would not gove up hope yet metalhead, they did say they'd notify everyone if they made it or not.

I'm not going to pretend to know or be part of the inner bodies who manage the site but I don't think anyone has been notified yet and technically they still have about nine more hours until a week after the deadline. Though if they got more application than they thought it may take a little more time to sort through them all and send out congratulation/apology letters.

I will admit that each time my phone tells me I have an email I scramble to see of it is my acceptance/denial letter from them but, although I know we all would love to know the answer for our applications soon, we just need to wait for them to get through them all and make their decisions... We still have about four weeks until the tour begins and can wait a few more days, in eager anticipation, to hear of we were selected.

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Jenn and Jason, last I heard, were close to finishing the picks.  I am assuming they are behind because of the recent spambot attacks on the site--Jason's been working his butt off to fight those.  Anyway, rest assured that they will let you guys know when they are ready.  A list of the winners will also be posted on the front page after everyone's had time to get their e-mails.

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It was a bunch of spambots that are set to attack sites of our relative size and membership.

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I keep checking my email looking to see any word.  I took the 8th off of work and the 9th to read lol.  Its the waiting that is getting to me.  I like to know what is going on.

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I remember for the Storm Leaders at least, a mass email was sent out to all applicants detailing who was chosen for what tour stop, so if you weren't on the list, that was how you knew you weren't chosen. Are they doing the same? I can't imagine they would take the time to notify each and every applicant individually.

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There was a message posted by Jason on Tuesday via Twitter saying, "All other Memory Keeper positions have been selected. We will announce them soon. Jenn and I are both swamped. Thx for patience. -JD" So I expect something will come along fairly soon. The waiting is tough, but I understand how busy they are. 

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  On 12/20/2012 at 10:59 PM, Jodea said:
I get it. Sadly I don't have twitter :(



  On 12/20/2012 at 10:59 PM, Jodea said:
he also posted it on facebook if you have one

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Jenn and Jason are doing the picking.  Last I heard, they had everything chosen except for some of the Canada spots.  They should hopefully be letting everyone know soon.  They typically let everyone know at once.

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Did they send the email to those who were chosen as a member keeper only. Reason I am asking is because I applied for a position but have heard nothing either way.  I have checked my email account plus my junk box.  

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Jennifer sent a mass email to all chosen to be Memory Keepers about two hours ago today. She said on Twitter that some emails had bounced, and she would post the full list on Dragonmount on the 26th (and also asked kindly not to be flooded with requests from people before then as she'll be with family for Christmas!).

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Just got my e-mail saying I was selected to be a Memory Keeper! Super stoked! Congrats to everyone else who was selected as well :)

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