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Arrival at the fortress

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Guest Abaddon

Dram Strongarm slowly trod over the well worn roadway leading to the fortress, it had been several days and he had been walking non-stop, with an endless purpose that consumed him, he had stopped for nothing. He yearned to enter his new life, he knew it was where he belonged. His head was down, and he felt weariness tugging down on his senses, yet still he pushed on. Strongarm knew he was close, the road had been getting progressively easier to traverse, and more looked after than all the other roads of his journey. Soon he noticed that other people were joining him on his endless trudge, mounted horsemen passed him going in the opposite direction, and marching columns of immaculately dressed soldiers traveled the road, going in both directions. It was then that Strongarm saw the fortress. He stopped in the middle of the road, and his jaw dropped, it was all he could manage to repress the tears of amazement and joy from running unabated down his cheeks. The fortress looked like a thing of beauty, it was all he imagined and more, the tall granite walls, and the towers on which children patrolled. The entire fortress inspired an amazing feeling of self worth, and courageous sacrifice for the creator, and it made his heart swell. Slowly Dram forced himself to step forward and continue to the fortress, he found himself walking with a pride and purpose now in his step, that had previously been lacking. He made his way along the road, that could easily have fit several wagons lined side to side, and under the huge iron portcullis that was held open by chains the size of a man, and guarded by what looked like the most disciplined troops Dram had ever seen. As he entered the inner courtyard, Strongarm was greeted by a scene of endless activity and organized chaos. Everything from drill lessons, to physical training was going on, and it had the look of something so well organized and orderly that to the ignorant eye it would simply seem confusing. Not knowing where to go next Dram politely asked a passing soldier: “Excuse me sir, where should I go if I would like to enlist in the children of the light”. The response he got was a mere gesture in the direction of a huge set of double oaken doors, before the child of the light resumed whatever pressing task he had been undertaking before. Assuming that this must be the head offices of the children Strongarm strode towards the doors, trying his best to get in no ones way. Reaching them, he sighed purposefully, looked back upon his old life, and entered the room, seeing before him an expansive hall lined with desks and clerks, along with what looked like serious soldiers interspersed. Seeing one desk larger than the rest, Dram walked up to it, and stated his purpose “Hello, I am here to enlist in the Children of the light”


Roudal was trying to remain concentrated with all the chattering around him. He was an impatient man. Or so everyone claimed. Roudal had no idea why everyone had that impression of him. Snapping, he banged his fist on the desk violently, leaving a fine little crack. All the faces in the room turned white and the chattering died off into a grave yard atmosphere. Sighing delightfully, Roudal returned to the financial reports. But before he could read even a word, he realized someone was standing in front of his desk. "Hello, I am here to enlist in the Children of the light."


Roudal eyed the lad for a moment, while running his fingers through his bushy beard. Roudal couldn't help but notice all the scars decorating him. Licking his lips, he continued gawking at him until he suddenly realized what he was doing and stopped. "I'm thinking you've reached the right place, lad."


Dipping the quill in the ink, Roudal raised his eyes to meet the lad's. "Full name, age and place of origin, boy. And be quick about it. I have a mountain of work to do and your pebble only makes it seem bigger. And I'm a terrible mountain climber."





Head Clerk

Guest Abaddon

Dram stood before the desk, in imitation of what he thought attention should be, the gruff looking man sitting behind the desk was facing the other way, obviously immersed in a pressing task. Dram let his thoughts drift, he wondered what the coming days would hold for him, and what sorts of training they would put him through, soon his thought process led him back to thinking of home, and he realized he would miss his mother nominally, but not his stepfather. His thoughts lashed upon that fateful night, when he was viciously beaten and assaulted at the hand of his abusive stepfather. That night had left him scarred for life, but it had also awakened his more masochistic side, a side that was more and more coming to prominence as his life progressed. Sighing, Dram realized that he was afraid, he was worried if they would even accept a person like him, a lowly gutterrat like himself, might not deserve a life of eternal glory in the service of the creator. The few honest people in his life had said that Dram acted arrogantly and self assured, but this was only a façade that he put up to defend himself from his own self insecurity.


Strongarm was blasted out of his idle daydreamings with a crash, startled he looked around quickly, searching for what had caused the cacophony, and seeing faces around him that looked equally startled. Realization dawned on him when he saw where the looks were directed, it seemed that the man behind the desk had slammed his fist down on the desk in frustration for some reason. Dram was slowly overcome by the feeling that maybe enlisting in the children wouldn’t be smooth sailing after all.


Turning around, the man in front of him at first seemed not to notice Strongarm, focusing on some official looking papers in front of him instead. But soon the man glanced upwards and realized that there was a young man standing in front of him, a look of incomprehension came over the man, and Dram realized that the man had not heard his original statement, being too involved in the other work at hand. Quickly dram repeated his earlier query “Hello, I am here to enlist in the Children of the light.” The man gave Strongarm a strange look, and soon Dram began to feel more self conscious than ever about the scars adorning his face, realizing that that was what the man was looking at so intently. Embarrassment spread over Strongarm, and he was about to retract his original statement when the man behind the desk growled slowly “I'm thinking you've reached the right place, lad.” Instantly Dram began to ease himself back into his old sense of self assuredness, and a smile spread its way across his face, but before he could regain too much arrogance, the man spoke again “Full name, age and place of origin, boy. And be quick about it. I have a mountain of work to do and your pebble only makes it seem bigger. And I'm a terrible mountain climber”


At this Dram realized that, indeed they would allow him to enlist, he finally belonged, this was the beginning of a new life. Numerous feelings raced through his head, but namely pride and a sense of belonging. Looking up he saw the man looking at him questioningly and he answered quickly not wanting to keep him waiting “Sir” Dram began “My name is Dram strongarm, I was born in Amador near dockside, and I have lived there all my life, I am eighteen years of age, and it would be an honor if I would be allowed to enlist”



hehe. i like Roudal ;)

Anyway you're done with him. Just go off to Emanuela next.




"Sir, my name is Dram strongarm, I was born in Amador near dockside, and I have lived there all my life, I am eighteen years of age, and it would be an honor if I would be allowed to enlist." Roudal wrote down the details that Dram gave him carefully. Making errors now made more work later. It was best to take extra care to avoid future difficulties.


"Of course you'd be allowed to enlist, boy. We welcome everyone to join our ranks and spread the word of the Light through the people. No one is better then the other here. Where you come from matters not. You come here, you start anew. Now stop yammering and head on to the Quartermaster, lad. Tell her I sent you."


Roudal slammed his fist on the desk again, deepening the crack on it. He was going to need a new desk soon. He seemed to change desks the rate he changed his underpants. "This is not a working atmosphere", he said, his voice booming. "Don't make me repeat myself again!". All the clerks around him rolled their eyes and went back to work. They all knew Roudal's bark was worse then his bite.


Sitting back down, Roudal realized that Tram was still standing there. "Did you not hear me, laddie? You don't have the whole day and we certainly won't be sitting around after hours to await your arrival. Chop chop, now. Emanuela is waiting. Ask for directions there. You seem a little thick but I'm sure you'll eventually end up in the right place. Go on now, I've got things to do."




Head Clerk

Guest Abaddon

Dram watched the man take down his details meticulously in a leather-bound ledger. The hard faced clerk finished his work, and looked up at Strongarm saying “Of course you'd be allowed to enlist, boy. We welcome everyone to join our ranks and spread the word of the Light through the people. No one is better then the other here. Where you come from matters not. You come here, you start anew. Now stop yammering and head on to the Quartermaster, lad. Tell her I sent you.” Dram was elated, he had finally begun his new life. He felt the warmth of accomplishment spread throughout his body, and in his minds eye countless scenarios were unfolding, of him slaying enemies of the light, triumphing over hundreds of trollocs single-handedly and spreading the word and creed of the creator throughout the world. Dram was vaguely aware of the blunt clerk in front of him slamming his fist on the desk again, and letting lose a tirade of various reprimands directed at the clerks around him. But he ignored it, instead basking yet more in his dreams of accomplishment. Subconsciously his body realigned itself into the cocky, self-sure, arrogant posture that it was so familiar with, and dram let his face fall into the degrading sneer that was his trademark.


“Did you not hear me, laddie? You don't have the whole day and we certainly won't be sitting around after hours to await your arrival. Chop chop, now. Emanuela is waiting. Ask for directions there. You seem a little thick but I'm sure you'll eventually end up in the right place. Go on now, I've got things to do.” The clerks rough words snapped Strongarm out of his glorious daydreams, horrified that he had been standing here all along Dram gave the clerk a fist to heart salute, and turned back into the hall walking confidently. Seeing one of the younger children of the light in front of him, apparently unoccupied, he stopped and asked in a overbearing voice “Excuse me, would you mind directing me towards the offices of the quartermaster.” The young Child’s eyes danced upon all Strongarm’s scars, and then quickly darted back up to Drams face, before he answered with “Ah…yes…the quartermaster is located down that hall to the right, first door on the left….” Dram cut him off with a nod before he could continue, and quickly started walking towards the hallway that the child had directed him to. Many thoughts capered throughout Dram’s head. In the forefront though, he belatedly recognized that the Child he had just received directions from, had been adorned with a red crook upon his tabard. This marked him as a member of the Hand of the Light, a division of the children that Strongarm found most interesting, and planned on potentially joining. Dram cursed himself for brushing the other Child off so easily, and promised himself that he would not let any other opportunities go likewise unused, at the hand of his arrogance and ego.


Slipping back into reality, Dram realized his legs had led him precisely to the door of the quartermaster. Stopping for a moment to collect his thoughts, he took several deep breaths and then knocked, stepping into the room giving a fist to heart salute and saying “Quartermaster, I am new recruit Dram Strongarm, I was directed here by the head clerk”



Emanuela lit up her oil lamp to lighten up the room. Her eye sight wasn't as good as it used to be and the afternoon sun no longer provided the light she needed to go through her papers. Pausing on the needed furniture list she composed earlier, she made a mental note to have it sent to her uncle who always delivered the best, being one of the more well known merchants in Amador. She smiled at the list as she spotted a request for a new desk. She would have to speak to Roudal about his habit of taking out his frustrations on poor innocent desks.


A knock on the door caught off her amusement and she quickly regained her usual serious, yet motherly, expression. "Come in", she said. A young man came in. She couldn't help but notice all the scars decorating his face and arms. The scars did not intimidate or disgust her. On the contrary. Deep inside she admired the young man in front of her. It was obvious that he had to endure much in his life.


"Quartermaster, I am new recruit Dram Strongarm, I was directed here by the head clerk." Emanuela nodded. Good, he was a new recruit. Maybe joining the Children would turn his life around and show him that life was more then what he probably saw up until now. "You may call me Emanuela. I don't stand much in formalities these days. I will not bore you with details. I'm sure being in the presence of Roudal was tiring enough." Emanuela let a smile escape her lips.


"Where to place you..." Emanuela flipped through her room assigning book in search of a room that had space for another recruit. Then she suddenly recalled that a few days before she opened a new room. She looked through the pages to look for the exact room. "Ah, yes. Room 237. You will be sharing it with Bert. He joined us a few days as well. I'm sure you will get along wonderfully. You fill find 6 sets of uniforms in the closet. Take good care of them. They will not be replaced. You are dismissed, Dram. I wish you the best of luck." Emanuela gave him one of her motherly smiles. She sincerely hoped he would do well.









Post arriving at your room and settling in. If you wish you can contact Demi/Bert and have a little RPing of co-existing in the room *g*


Beyond that this thread is complete. That's one requirement done from your part :)

The requirement list will be posted in the next few days so you'll be all set to continue.

For now, the next step is the basic training that will be shortly posted here for all the new recruits. Hope you enjoy it *smiles*





Guest TheDemigod

ooc: haha, oh lovely ^^


*shakes your hand*

Guest Abaddon

Awaiting the quartermaster’s response, Dram took time to survey the sparsely lit room. He had not yet even perceived where the woman was seated, so his eyes searched the dim room for her, until they alighted upon a strong looking woman sitting behind a well made desk, with a deep considering look in her eyes, directed at himself. Instead of the usual embarrassment that Strongarm felt when being appraised, he instead felt a feeling of goodwill emanating from this woman, as if she welcomed him being here. This flooded Dram with a feeling of welcome, and for some reason he dropped his protective façade of arrogance and smugness, instead wanting this woman to see him for who he truly was.


Done with her visual assessment, the quartermaster adopted a down-to-business look, nodded to herself and began with “You may call me Emanuela. I don't stand much in formalities these days. I will not bore you with details. I'm sure being in the presence of Roudal was tiring enough.” Smiling at him, Emanuela continued “Where to place you…” she paused for a moment, considering her quandary but soon came to a solution, saying “Ah, yes. Room 237. You will be sharing it with Bert. He joined us a few days as well. I'm sure you will get along wonderfully. You fill find 6 sets of uniforms in the closet. Take good care of them. They will not be replaced. You are dismissed, Dram. I wish you the best of luck.” Smiling at Dram one last final time, Emanuela returned to her work, and Strongarm assumed he was dismissed. Throwing a fist to heart salute for good measure, Dram turned and left the room. He vaguely knew where the children’s quarters were, seeing a hallway lined with doors on his way into the fortress, so he absent mindedly made his way in that general direction, all the while considering what lay ahead of him. He wondered if this Bert took being a Child of the light as serious as him, if he could relate to Dram in any way. Because Strongarm knew, if he and his roommate did not connect it would be a hellish existence for the rest of his time spent at the fortress. Pausing to get his bearings, Dram thought more about how proud he was to be officially a Child of the Light, and how proud his mother, and even his stepfather would be. But Dram wasn’t doing it for them, he was doing it for himself.


Seeing he was on the residence hallway of the Children, dram quickly glanced over the door numbers painted in red upon the doorways of each room, seeing that he was at number 500, he knew he had a ways to go before he reached his room. Taking on his archetypal arrogant swagger, and confident sneer Dram continued down the hall, letting his feelings wander to alight on any given fancy, until he found his eyes latch upon the number 237. Not knowing what lay before him, Dram paused, and then opened the door, stepping inside the room and surveying his surroundings. It was empty except for himself, it appeared that this Bert was not around at the moment, So taking advantage of having the quiet room to himself Dram threw himself down on the bed, and instantly drifted off into a sleep that he had not visited for days.

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