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TWoT Companion: Why did they change the fate of one of the characters?

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@cosmic champion,

"...and they sure are not going to spill the beans about it,so that incident will not 

keep chasing/haunting him".

what's witnessing  got to do with perrin's internal conflicts?




I was replying directly to the 2nd part of the question there.


 Perrin couldn't let those 2 whitecloaks go even though he somehow managed to live with the ones in tDR. That's one part I never understood





@cosmic champion,


.(in the fires  of heaven

robert jordan left the "dynamic duo" at the two rivers to celebrate their marriage and gave us a 

break from the stinking miasma these two created and it was like a breath of fresh air).


Well, one man's 'stinking miasam', can be another man's pleasure.




not sure about the last 3 books being fan fiction.

the writing style in them to me seem similar to the writing style in the rest of the series.  though a portion of that could be due to Harriet's editing.


the last books might have been significantly different with other authors.


But as I mentioned earlier, there is quite a bit of absolute bizarre mistakes that I noticed in Perrin's section(his goofball trial being one example, along with his powwow with Elayne).  Also, is there not quite a bit of fan homage in these versions too?





Remember, there were ton of holes in the notes that BS had to fill in. I think you have to cut him some slack on that one. You spend 15 years theorizing on something, fall in love with it, and then you're in control of creating it. It could have been the best option available, or maybe he couldn't find a better one. 


I still believe that Rand was going to ride off on Bela in the epilogue before they decided to kill her off. However, who knows if that is correct or not...



I definitely agree about giving BS some slack. Agree wholeheartedly!  I really feel that his writing here was 'possibly' rushed by the publisher. I remember one of Jordan's quotes where he stated that he sometimes ignored his publisher's pressure to hurry up.

BS certainly would not be able to do that like Jordan did, I would think.


Also, regarding Jordan's many notes, BS has stated that Perrin's story in the last three was almost entirely created by him, as Jordan left practically nothing involving Perrin. He mentioned that the only thing written by Jordan, was the very beginning when they were STILL in Malden! Nothing after that!  The only instructions regarding Perrin's story line was that he was to be a King at the very end. That's it.


However, I would like to give BS HUGE props for two of Perrin's scenes that he created which are related:  Perrin's ability of learning the 'Wolf Dream' due to his relationship with his wife(The Strength of This Place) and due to her also, his ability to defeat Lanfear's Compulsion at the LB's final.  Well done.


Alright, everyone has shared their opinion on the RJ/Brandon debate, there are differing views, fine. 


Let's stay on topic now though, I don't want this to descend into another RJ v Sanderson fight. 


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