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I have decided...


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What? You don't just take my word for it? Such lack of faith!


But anyway..


It's about these two magicians/illusionists (Alfred Borden and Rupert Angier) living in victorian England. They have this feud going where they constantly try and outsmart one another, always messing up the other's act etc.


There is also a sub-story about a man and a woman living today (Something Borden and Kate Angier). They're the only two remaining descendants of Borden and Angier, and they meet, trying to work out why Borden and Angier was feuding and what went wrong bla blabla.


I can't really say anything that does this book justice. The whole thing is like one huge illusionist act where you slowly yet surely are pulled "behind the scenes", so to speak, and at times this book is so powerful and creepy that I was close to throwing it against the wall just to get out some energy. Or like Joey in Friends.. I almost put it in the freezer *g*

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It is. I mean, there are things that are the same, but a lot of it is very different. I guess you could say the focus of the two is different. And while the big illusions are the same, the conclusions are not.


I loved the movie and it totally blew my mind. But the book was even better, and though I knew what the big illusions were, the ending of the book completely freaked me out (in a good way).

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