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Future Cars

O.o Jack K5 o.O

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Last wednesday, along with today, and next wednesday, The Discovery Channel is doing a series on Future Cars. all kinds of new innovative ideas for transportation. from superfast cars, to H2 fuel cell cars that can go 0-60 in 3 secconds, to flying cars...I think thats tonight.


One guy just streamlined the 18wheeler, and made it 50% more efficient. just a body change, no engine modification.


they have a lot of emphasis on more efficient and convienent forms of mass transit.


We have cars that can parallel park themselves, in 10 years driving will be a think of 'The Dark Ages'.


Theres way too much cool stuff for me to relate. I just wanted everyone to know about it, so you can watch it and be pleased that at least some people care about future moments.


:oops: i almost spamed this than, out of habit

yeah but when the do the cars you have made will become aquatic and begin thinking for themselves, and then overthrough human civilisation on the higher ground.

(this is a legitmate concern not spam :P i can tell the diffence.


and what i you've got no food because it wont grow on the higer ground


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