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Dark Tower movie or series adaptation in the works...


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Guest Emperor

I love this series but am not sure how it will fair on the screen.


The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed an earlier IGN story that said Stephen King and J.J. Abrams are in talks to bring King's "Dark Tower" book series to the screen.


They are not sure, however, if the project will be a feature film or a TV series. Abrams' Bad Robot production company has a first-look deal at Paramount for film projects and a deal with Warner Bros. Television for TV projects. The project is not yet set up at either company.


The trade adds that King's tale -- which sprawls across seven books as it blends the fantasy, sci-fi, horror and Western genres -- might seem better suited for a multiple-episode television treatment. On the other hand, its potential cost might call for a large-scale cinematic treatment.


It is also unclear whether Abrams would take on the project solely as a producer or whether he would direct as well.

  • 4 weeks later...

I have said this a million times on the Stephen King messageboard but I'll only say it here once:


A movie or series just wouldn't do the saga any justice! Noone can portray Roland.

If they are gonna do this;they should pick someone who is new to the acting-world.

With all due respect:please,NO GARY SINISE!!


Personally,no movie at all!

Lord of the Rings was good,but still I was disappointed... :lol:

Guest Segurant

King said that he would never let Dark Tower be turned into the movies. Looks like he is a LIAR!

King said that he would never let Dark Tower be turned into the movies. Looks like he is a LIAR!


Well,he has turned down even Frank Darabont and loads of others,so he's a little more carefull than with his other works..

If I were Steve I would not let that story be touched in any way..


One of my favourite passages in the story is when Jake loses his mind(third book). Just imagine how you would put that on a screen??

And how would Blaine the mono appear to the public?

I'm afraid it would loose its credibility..

Guest Emperor

Book three is my favorite as well. The series is a little too complex to put to film I think. Not as Complex as WoT but up there. I would go see it though because I love the books so much. Then I would come here and complain about how much better the books were.


No,this story is really sacred to me. I would hate to see it spoiled..

About the LotR movies:

Seriously,Gandalf is not the wizard I knew before the movies. And Legolas is totally ruined in my opinion...


I really wouldn't want to see it,I think.

Book three is my favorite as well. The series is a little too complex to put to film I think. Not as Complex as WoT but up there. I would go see it though because I love the books so much. Then I would come here and complain about how much better the books were.


Book 4 is my favorite... that's the furthest one I've read though. I've bought copies of the rest and they are sitting at home, due to be read pretty soon, if I don't start the series over from book 1, which I might do.


Can't say I'm overly excited about a movie version though. Haven't cared too much for several of the adaptations of his works, except for the ones that aren't obviously King of course (you might be amazed at the number of people who don't know Stand By Me or The Shawshank Redemption were King stories).

Guest Haxorsist

... I didn't know Stand By Me was a King story. :D

Guest Segurant

I finally got the first two issues of the Dark Tower comic!

Guest Emperor

Ok, how about Shawshank Redemption. Who can argue this is not a better movie than story by King?

... I didn't know Stand By Me was a King story. :D


Both stories are actually from the same collection: "Different Seasons" which had a four stories each with a seasonal theme: Hope Springs Eternal, Summer of Corruption, Fall From Innoncence, and A Winter's Tale.


Hope Springs Eternal was the theme for 'Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption'. Summer was 'Apt Pupil', which has also been turned into a film starring Ian McKellan, about a boy who discovers that an elderly man living in his area is a Nazi war criminal(the ending of the film is much different than the book though)... Fall from Innocence is the story "The Body" from which Stand By Me was adapted (and none of these are what you would call 'loosely adapted' like some of the King films are -Lawnmower Man anyone- these movies were all very true to the stories.) Winter was "The Breathing Method", which was not turned into a movie. :)


I thought shawshank was a great movie and it DID add some nice things,like the music sul'aria(spelling might be wrong) that Andy plays on the speakers.

But the totall and utter surprise that I got while reading the novella was not there when I saw the movie.

Which is logical,ofcoarse,but still a fact..

The book made me feel enlightened,while the movie left me with a depressed feeling(in a good way,I mean)


Got those dark tower comics,too!!

  • 2 months later...


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