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Alright, so I have finally got off my lazy a$$ and decided to write out once and for all Brand's fighting style and use of Saidin. It would be helpful if you guys posted comments, since I am trying to make the best out of my relatively low One Power level.


"Physical Fighting style"


Alright, so here's the scoop, Brand broke his sword (again (for like the 3ed time)) and the master sword smith at the BT is got pissed and made him a new sword. Using the proper techniques, the smith made him a Korean like straight bladed wakisashi (shorter version of a katana) and as a side arm, a tanto. So this change's completely Brand's style of heavy blow's and strong defense (not like I mind, it was getting boring and hard to write about anyway). So, following his use of Saidin, I decided that he is now going to use a very fast style of fighting, hitting only the vital body parts and dodging most attacks.


I created a fun little technique, "Fast step" which involves Brand using what little he knows about Air, to blur the out-lines of his body, and give him a lot of back draft, increasing greatly his speed as well as making his opponent think he almost completely blurred when moving.


Brand also likes to cheat using Earth and Saidin to give him advantages in battle, be it using walls of earth to block blows, using pillars of earth to push him up into the air, or creating lots of obstacles such as great spikes of earth or rivers of fire to hinder his opponent.


Brand also takes a very calm mentality into a fight, and some times goats his opponent into a rage, so that he is blinded and Brand can beat him easier.


"Use of Saidin and its use in Brand's combat"


Ok, so lets face it, Brand is not the strongest male to ever channel on the face of Randland, but he can make up for that loss by the speed of his weaving. Being that he is only reduced to the lower skill weaves, it would be fitting that he could spew them out at a high rate and he would have a better stamina, since the weave's only require a medium amount of skill.


Looking at Brand's OP chart, he is weak in both Air and Water, but very strong in Earth, Fire and Spirit, so most of his moves center around Earth and Fire, creating fire storms, and crushing opponents with earthquakes. Brand likes to use physical weaves, so none of the internal affecting one's. He likes to use the earth to wound the opponent, since a direct attach would be less affective, and when Brand see a chance, he will try and turn the ground around him into quicksand or try and swallow the opponent into the earth.


Any Asha'man can tear down a city, but Brand prefers to use his quicksand technique to sink the walls, more of a physiological and moral blow then anything, for the defenders to see there best defense sinking into the ground.


Once (hopefully) Brand reach's Asha'man, I will be able to get the Talent of Earthsinging, which will make Brand more deadly in battle, as he will be able to control the earth even easier.


Right now Brand is hesitant to use Saidin, since he lost control of it (see the thread relating the investigation’s, and use’s an even calmer, but greatly concentrated approach to channeling. He is especially reluctant to use Saidin around Drenn, his good friend, after he was defeated by him and shielded for a few minutes.


In all Brand try’s not to use Saidin most of the time when in closed space’s or beautiful area’s, since his style cause’s a lot of destruction, but he will not think twice to use it if one of those he holds dear to him is endanger, being very loyal of nature (yet an airhead and a pompous fool most of the time outside his duties.

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I'm not so sure on the whole weaving faster just because they're easier thing.


Ben would know more seeing as he's helped form most of the OP stuff here.


Otherwise, it's certainly interesting. Although if we get a nice large scale battle, you'd be weaving what your ordered to weave it's certainly an interesting concept for one on one duelling.

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Well, the weaves that require more skill then Brand has, around 28 or something, are most certanly more complex, and would take a lot longer to make, so it would be kinda normal that Brand could master lighting fast weaving for those that he know's and is able to perform.

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Ok, looks like some things never change, no matter how long you've been gone or where you go, its the same old problems.



Okay, I'll be brief, and probably rude, but I dont mean to be the latter.




Every Channeler is NOT equal. Just as everybody in life is not equally strong, equally fast, or evenly matched, so too channelers are not going to evenly matched in all situations, or even in a majority of them. It sucks, but hey, thats life.


People's aren't allowed to make up 'skills' or 'traits' that just happen to give them advantages to give them an edge over anybody else. However, if you happen to rely mainly on your stronger elements and thing of a few new ways to use them, thats perfectly fine. :P


This is where I see a problem with your 'fast step' technique, since you said Brand is weak in air. I like the blurring of the outlines of the body part, and you could even look at it as a weak, very weak version of illusion that invloves bending light.


However when it comes to greatly increase you speed, I have to disagree. Cool whilst it may be, its coming a little close to the god-modding side of things. Namely, if you're weak in air, how can you be relying on an Air weave to give you such an advantage, and how have you managed to master such a move effectively? If you're trying to use the vaccums and backdrafts created by fast moving air, you would need a high skill and strength to be able to reliably do so.


As for increasing the speed you can form the weaves, thats another very touchy area. It comes under the old arguement of whether repetition can increase your skill/strength with Saidin. Namely, the answer is yes, and no. As you raise through the ranks, you ARE slowly getting better and stronger, but once you reach Asha'man and have reached your maxium potental (Ie: The scores you were assigned with), thats that. no 'Oh, but I've been really active and posting' or 'I think it'd be really cool if..." or "but person X gets too...." thats it. The scores are there for a reason.


Now, that does not mean if you have a low score you aren't going to be able to do anything. In case you haven't noticed, most RPs are planned out in advance OOC wise. And it is also very rare the two channelers are going to go full out against each other, particularly at the BT. (Unless training methods have changed now that Dash is in charge :twisted:)


In other words, stop stressing :P Your originality, writing skills and your character are going to get you further than a couple of points in your OP. The scores are there to mix things up and help provide a reference for players. They are not the be all and end all of things.



Well, hope that didn't sound too harsh :P

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Guest Dalinar

Personally, I don't think that was a harsh take on things at all, Covai, and it summarised things very well.


While I can freely allow the 'blurred edges' concept, I agree with Covai that an actual 'speeding up' of things is QUITE unlikely. I'm moderately certain that the Incarns wouldn't allow it, and it would have to be approved by them prior to being used officially (the blurring thing we can get away with as a variation of illusion however, I think).


As for the speed of weaving... I think I can almost but my finger on what you're getting at with that, but not quite. See, John might have a skill of 12, and those weaves would be simple, and therefore very quick to weave. But if Mary had a skill of 30, and wove the same weaves, I think she'd weave them considerably more speedily (assuming all other aspects of their OP abilities were the same). To her, those weaves are child's play. To him, those limits are the extent of his ability. Anything else makes him break out in sweats and the weaves fall apart before they're fully formed.


Another thing you have to remember, is to try NOT to compare your character all the time to channelers. Compare, instead, to non-channelers - and suddenly your character and what you can do with it is blown into magnificent proportions ;)




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