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Mentor Handbook


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I am getting the Wolfkin mentor program going and our members really don't know what they need to do as a mentor. Since you guys have been doing that for a while, I was wondering if you guys could kinda post the stuff you do as a mentor and what is expected of a mentor?


May I also ask permission to use the material posted to make a handbook for the wolfkin?

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It's not too tough. The main job of a mentor is to be the first point of contact for someone in the WT. I remember being petrified when I was joining and it was so nice to have one person who had the responsibility of making sure you were okay. Mentors are there to answer any questions you may have and to support people as they get raised.


Mentoring for me involves email and other forms of contact such as MSN. I also check where my minities are posting and make sure they are okay.


If I think of anything else I'll get back to you ;)

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We've never really codified our mentoring program. People tend to do whatever they liked about their mentor. As Nia said, your mentor is your first point of contact. He or she is responsible for answering your questions and guiding you towards activities that suit your interests. Ideally, you'd become friends with your mentor and stay in contact with them after you no longer mentoring. However, some people just don't click like that, but still have a very good "business" relationship. There's no shame in that. A mentor is also great at giving you an instant "in" with us. You automatically know someone and have a relationship with them. This encourages you to stick around and participate.


A good rule of thumb is for a mentor to make contact every 1-2 weeks to make sure you're still around and participating.

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As soon as I get the e-mail from Lor that says I have a new mentee, I e-mail the mentee with a detailed introduction of myself so she/he can know some personal things about me right off the bat. I also give mentees a couple of tips about ways to get raised, and I let them know that they can ask me questions about anything, whether it's WT-related or not. I ask them to provide me with a brief introduction of themselves too. I check my mentees' points in the MoNster's Lair frequently to make sure they got proper credit for everything they did, and I bug them whenever there's an activity check so they don't forget to post. Since I'm at DM every day, my mentees and I interact through the boards and PM's.


Whenever a mentee asks me a question, I respond right away.

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