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points for sale

Mrs. Cindy Gill

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aaaand for those of us keeping track -


all my points for October are out.


the points I owe from November to eternity are:


(earned through post 45)


15 to Basel (please let my teddy go :ohmy:)

10 to wolf not noob

5 to Dav


(then I offered one point per post so from there )


3 to Des

2 more to wolfshifter

3 to csarmi

2 to panchi

1 to lee


(through post 66 and then I made it two points per post through the 101st post)


and that was 66 points to panchi :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:



wow I'm in debt...


anyhow, the totals are:


Basel 15

wolfshifter 12

Dav 5

Des 3

csarmi 3

panchi 68 :ohmy:

lee 1


for a total of 107 points!


er, ok, so here's what imma do.


on 11/1 I will post


15 to Basel

12 to shiftywolf

5 to dav

3 to des

3 to csarmi

1 to lee


that's 39, leaving me with 11 to post to panchi (panchi, are you ok with the extended points delay or shall I initiate a complicated M*A*S*H* style round of favors that will get you all the points in November? *apologizes and is ashamed of poor math skills and deficit spending* :blush:)


sooooo barring a workaround, November also will have 11 to panchi


and December will have 50 to panchi (and a good spanking from Santa... or perhaps Satan... ok, most likely Basel.... for still not being paid off to the lovely panchi... and............ stuff).


and January will see my debt finally paid to panchi with.... (using a calculator for every single thing) 7 final points.




meowa culpa, and thanks for playing, and... I'm outta points for a while but I still got a whole lot to bet :wink::myrddraal:


oh, yeah, that's right, panchi's bet - it was a coin toss.


I will bet 100 from my personal pool on tails - you flip the coin , panchi, I'll trust you :smile:


(and I'll bet anyone another 50 points that they cannot find a mistake in my calculations in this here post - but if you do, please splain it slow and simple, so a kitty will understand)



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how about 50 for 151? same terms, if I get to 151 by 12/1 I get 50 of your points, if I don't, you get 50 of mine.


and I'm outta personal points till January so I can't buy them.


and I won't spam them.


at least not by myself :)


you in for that or got another bet in mind?

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