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[Faction Olympics] Myrddraal Scholars - The Black Ajah Wins!


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Cindy's Entry:


cloud, wandering in grinning bliss as was his wont, skipping through the forest, looking for widdle rabbit foo foo... was disturbed by an oddly insistent knock knock on his sensory perception...

what was this thing that interrupted hi tra-la-la-la-lalley through the green and peaceful valley?



dawning recognition...

denial... anger... bargaining...

to no avail.

for it was fire.

blazing consuming fire.

and it was licking at his favorite tree

innocent soul... can use a word like licking with no internal heh...

even if he'd been so inclined, the piteous mewing of the hopelessly stranded kitten, much too frightened to jump to safety, would have curbed his giggling enthusiasm.

there was nothing for it but to mount, again, innocently... his magical space folding time bending sharp dressed skateboard decorated with the wicked cool goats horns of the ghobluhilihininummmmm... trolloc bunch... he immediately plucked the magical reed and Whistled his light loafered tush back to his Castle in the air, where he collected his trusty assault Stapler and began to Sing the tune that had driven men mad but had always only driven cloud hither, thither and yon.

"Shoot," he exclaimed, "my shiny fine Hair is in no state for a picture of this rescue... it'll get tagged on every fb page I've stalked and I'll look like a Pig taking a Mirror shot... I'd better Wash up and hose down my Smelly, Dirty post-trolloc-skate board self and Clean up my Naughty bits before I'm Dreadfully shamed."

but the fluffy fellow was not nearly Fatalistic enough in his assessment of the situation and fell Sadly Short of Sweet in the public's image, having failed to save the kitten while perfecting his coif.

luckily, kittens being what they are, and having at least a few spare lives, this one watched cloud's tarring and feathering and subsequent darkfriend trial from afar, with a Wet but Vaguely Happy grin.

and he lived happily ever after.

the kitten of course.

cloud lost the trial.

but he looked magnificent at the execution.

the end.
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Wombat's entry:


The following is a typical weekend day in the life of Cloud.  As I don't know much about Cloud, and the truth is often dreadfully boring, this will naturally be a complete fabrication.  According to the little picture he sports as an avatar, Cloud looks vaguely Japanese and remarkably like Cloud Strife.  Let us therefore assume that his day begins at 4:30 AM when he wakes up to do his hair.  After all, it takes hours in front of the mirror and an obscene amount of hair product to achieve the perfectly spiky coiffure that Cloud favors.  I do not wish to bore you with mundane details, so therefore let us skip forward three hours to when Cloud, now washed, coiffed and fed, hoists a sword onto his back that looks more fit to be wielded by a Trolloc than a human, picks up a skateboard, activates the automatic portcullis opener, lowers the drawbridge, and skates across the moat and down the driveway out towards the main road.  That's right, Cloud lives in a castle.  About ten minutes later, Cloud arrives at the polder that he has converted into a football field.  He has a match today against Mish's football club.  Cloud quickly changes into his orange kit and forty-five minutes later is on the pitch, racing around like a kitten with a ball of yarn.  Being a Dutchman, he naturally spends the entire game following the ball up and down the entire length of the pitch regardless of the fact that he is playing fullback.  It has been raining rather heavily today, and the pitch is rather wet, but being a Dutchman, Cloud has installed the best drainage system ever at Polder Stadium, so they play on.  The first half passes rather unremarkably.  It has been a clean game with no scoring yet.  Cloud's moment comes in the eighty-eighth minute, with the score tied 1-1, when he executes a perfect Cruyff turn to shake an opposing defender and bombs down the pitch like his feet are on fire.  Cloud is about 25 yards from the opposing goal when he inexplicably falls to the turf.  He is furious at himself.  But while he is rising, he realizes that play has stopped.  Apparently, the referee whistled the play dead and he didn't even hear it.  It appears that he was tripped.  By Mish.  Cloud scowls.  It was a rather dirty challenge, but the game has been clean so far, so no booking.  So Cloud now has a free kick from 25 yards.  This very well may be his side's last, best chance to score in regulation.  Cloud places the ball and walks backwards, sizing up the wall.  The three defenders are covering their family jewels and have the fatalistic expressions of men who know they may very well be taking a ball to the face or gut in a moment's time.  Cloud decides that he will shoot over the wall, aiming for the upper left corner.  It will be a tricky strike as he will need to impart some topspin while still getting the ball over the wall, but Cloud is confident.  Cloud takes a deep breath, advances to the ball, and strikes it.  The defenders jump, but Cloud has driven the shot over them and it is soaring towards the net.  The keeper makes a great effort, but sadly for him, Cloud has placed the ball perfectly.  It just nicks the woodwork as it finds its way into the roof of the net.  The crowd erupts in cheers, Cloud's teammates slap him on the back rather more than is necessary, and Cloud is so happy he could sing.  But the game is not over yet, so he focuses on defending.  The next few minutes and stoppage time pass excruciatingly slowly, but pass they do.  Cloud's Clogs win 2 - 1 over Mish's Meadheads.  By this point, Cloud is smelly as a pig, but the locker room showers are out of order, so Cloud has to hose himself down.  But not even this can wash the sweet taste of victory from his mouth.  He goes to find Mish, and they share a short repast under an ash tree, during which they tell naughty jokes, and Cloud finally remembers to return Mish's Swingline Stapler.

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For everyone else reading this, here was the list of words:


1.    fire

2.    tree

3.    kitten

4.    jump

5.    skateboard

6.    Trolloc

7.    Whistled

8.    Castle

9.    Stapler

10. Sing

11. Driven

12. Shoot

13. Hair

14. Picture

15. Pig

16. Mirror

17. Wash

18. Hose

19. Smelly

20. Dirty

21. Clean

22. Naughty

23. Dreadfully

24. Fatalistic

25. Sadly

26. Short

27. Sweet

28. Wet

29. Vaguely

30. Happy

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