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Long time Wot reader


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  Just like a lot of other's on this board I have faithfully followed this series for 20+ years having first picked it up in 7th or 8th grade around the time Shadow Rising first came out.  Over the years I've known of the existance of this website and others around the web and have made use of them without ever becoming a member.  I believe this website is where I learned of Mr. Jordan illness and his eventual passing, may he rest in peace.


  I've avoided reading and posting to these online forums mainly because I have always enjoyed trying to figure things out on my own and did not want to have others thoughts cloud my own theory's.  I greatly enjoy when I'm wrong almost as much as when I'm right.


  When AMoL finally came out back in January I had it preordered from Amazon, when I received my copy I immediatly opened and started reading.  After reading the first two pages I closed it, and picked up my old rubber banded bound copy of EotW with all it's highlights and notes in the margin that I have made over the years and decided to reread the series from the begining.  I wanted to read the entire series as a whole one last time before I finally read the last book for the first time.  Maybe as a effort to hold off that bittersweet end for just a bit longer.


  I finished AMoL last week and am still heartbroken for so many reasons, not in the least of which is the fact that the series is truley over, and I will not read about these characters I grew up with again.  It brings tears to my eyes to think that.  Sure we may get a short story or two and learn some more info about RJ's notes but in reality it's over.


  And even though I have not been a member over the years I have really appreciated this website and others like it for the news and other information it gave me over the years.  And I'm certain I'm not the only lurker who has felt that way.  But I think I can speak for most lurkers when I say think you for building such an informative site.


  I will never forget the first time I opened Eye of The World.  My father bought it for me as a birthday presant I had just gotton into reading fantasy having fallen in love with David Edding's The Belgariad.  He told me WoT was somewhat similar and I would probably like it.  I started reading it in math class hidden behind my math book.  I rember thinking after reading the prolougue "I hope this series doesn't have dragons in it"  because for some reason I was anti reading about actual dragons in it at the time.


Anyway that was a long involved intro, really all I wanted to do was thank those that made and have kept this site up and running.  Thank you.



Hi, Blue. I've only discovered the series 3 years ago. I too was heartbroken after reading the last book. There is more to this site than just information. Yes, there are discussion forums but also social groups where you can meet WoT fans from all over the world. You can get to know people and participate if you choose. Just check the site out and if you have any questions we will be happy to help you out.


Thanks for the welcome! Ya I was younger then Rand and everyone when I started the series, now I'm 35 looking back I can't help but think how insanely young they are. And thanks for the info the worst part about finishing the series was that there was no one around who under stood that it felt like a part of my life was over. Maybe melodramatic but I certainly feel like there is a hole in my heart. So I came online to look at the discussion groups.


Great! The discussion groups are really good. I'd advise you check out everything though, especially the social groups too and there are role playing areas as well. This place is large and has a lot to offer. I don't have anyone physically around me who loves the WoT as much as I do. However, last summer I met two Sisters in my Ajah!!!


I'm in the group (20+ years or reading this series) too. I just keep rereading and do my best to introduce this story to my friends and family. That how I keep this series alive. I realy don't know if I can stop???




I feel the same. I keep it alive here in the White Tower and Warders social group. I re-read as well.


What's up Blue?! I think we may have been reading the same amount of time hahaha. I am the last remaining WoT geek of all my friends :'(. Tragic. There is tons to do in here too if you're interested. The social groups are a lot of fun. i am a member of the White Tower and the Black Tower Social Groups. Stuff for crafty people, cooks, musicians, writers......name it and i am sure there is a place for you to call home. lol If you ever need anythin or just want to talk geek hit me up with a PM. Be happy to help out as I can.

  • 4 weeks later...

It was a bitter sweet moment to start AMOL.  I too re-read the series over before reading this one and I too started this series between books 3 and 4.  Whew!  I did reread the epilogue again and I guess it seems like there is potential for a brand new reboot to the series...


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