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Atten Accepteds: Sign Up Here for the Blue Ajah Class!


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I have a Blue Sister Alia Mariadoon who can't wait to teach you all about what the Blue Ajah is all about! 


If you're thinking of joining the Blue, or even if you're not, this class is the perfect way to get your character thinking about what she wants to focus on when she's an Aes Sedai. 


If nothing else, there is a field trip element to this class and you can get out of the Tower and Tar Valon for the first time in over a decade. If that's not attraction enough I don't know what is!


This is not a recruitment class and there will be no pressure, IC or OOC for you to join the Blues, but this class will make you think IC and OOC about where your character's future is heading and it will give you a brief overview of what is important to the Blue Ajah.


I really hope to see some good turn out for this class! But as we are leaving the Tower we will not be able to take Novices. This is an Accepted Class! If you are a novice who is interested in this class, remind me when you're raised to the ring and we'll do it again!


Please post in this thread with the name of your Accepted Character if you are interested. When I get the first class up I will link it here in this post for easy finding.

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The First part of the First Class is up now!


The RP I'm going off of to teach this was a lot longer in its first post. I found it really hard to get through and quite an info dump on top of setting up the scene. So I decided to break it up a little bit in this version, I hope you don't mind. The next chunk of class will be a big info dump, but please do get your reply up to getting settled in class and then we'll do the rest of the first day. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just spend a long time writing a post I do day two. Got about two paragraphs from the end of it and my computer closed out of all open programs with no warning! So in miffed and will have to refill my well of writing ability before I get this up. Sorry folks!

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apparently it auto saved some of my post! I posted what it saved, but the actual 'lesson' was lost. I'll re write that section from Alia giving the lesson as we ride and then explain the point of the FIELD TRIP!! 


Feel free to reply to what is already posted if you wish, but I'll post the rest of the lesson as soon as i can and you can feel free to wait for that if your unable or unispired to reply at this point.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, you guys!  :)  It might seem like I'm chickening out, but I'm going to drop the Blue class.  :P  It's a lot of reading and a lot of writing and a lot of thinking, and I need to set aside a lot of time to do it, and that doesn't come around often any more, and I don't want to hold you back.


Have fun!  ^^

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, Got the next lesson up! There is only one more after this and then you're all done!! Sorry for the long wait. My internet was out for a month and I was getting settled into school. I'm back now full force and this will not slack again on my end!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Only got a reply from one person. I'm gonna try to do another one over the weekend. Feel free to slip in before me, or just double up your post (so long as you'll still get the req if you need it - you can just post twice). 

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