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Attn; Rangers


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Now that we have four Rangers, with Sheps return, it is time to move on with the training. Now, for the advanced training, i have had the idea of using a style that i have called "Four who become One".


The basic idea behind this is that we form four Ranger groups who learn to fight together as a team. Not just fight though. As Rangers, we have to sacrifice much, always putting the well being and safety of the rest of the Wolfkin, first. That suggests to me that the Rangers should be close,IC, and should almost live in each others pockets....any problems so far?


So we need firstly to develop a fighting style that works to enhance our skills and raise ppl's WS.


Secondly, we need to come up with a way to further the bonds that bind us together. I may have an idea for that, which would tie in with an RP Leila and i are doing.


Now my idea for the enhanced fighting style is that we work as a group. No more one on one combats, unless they cannot be avoided. Imagine if you will a stylalised form of dancing, something akin to the way the Chinse troops fought in "House of the Flying Daggers".


This has been done before, when the Aiel and the Wolfkin fought the SG, but that is when we were on the DM6 server, so apart from John i am not sure any of you will remember?


So, give me your thoughts,ideas suggestions, bribes :lol: Lets see what we can come up with between us.



Ranger Leader

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Here are my simple thoughts…


I like the idea of ‘pack fighting’. It’s how wolves fight and bring down a kill anyway.


As for a fighting style that enhances our skills and is only good if we work together, I suggest that each of the four Rangers has a unique aspect of the fighting style the others need to succeed.


Let me give and example to be a little clearer in what I mean.


Just for example…


You have the fighting style called the Dancing Mist. It has four principles and four basic forms.




Water: Principle is to move fluidly, always being able to change, being able to fit to any pattern or container. (You know the classic description of water in fighting.) There would be a ‘dance like’ form for this and the person who commands this form would be the leader of the attack.


Flame: Principle is speed, strike fast, hit hot, and support the water form (Because heat and water make steam/mist). Again you’d have a form for the fire dance, and the flame would support the water.


You get the idea. You could have wind for the next, and earth after that, all supporting each other. If one were to fall, the others would still fallow each other in the ‘chain of command’. Each form would have its own strengths and weaknesses, but together they cover each others weaknesses and enhance everyone’s strengths.


In my absence from DM I took up Songham Taekwondo, which is a Korean martial arts based on the principle of the Rock and Pine tree. Knowing the basics you have a solid understanding which is your rock for your technique, and with experience you become strong and ‘tall’ growing into your forms and you are both able to withstand the harsh winds and your are able to sway in the breeze, adapting to different situations. (I’m almost a green belt! Almost half way to black!!)


Imagine the Water form in my example being a Black belt and everything below it also being a rank.


Does this make sense? If not, I’m sorry…


*Hangs his head low*


But… it’s just an idea.


Later all…



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Shep,i am really basing this concept on two ideas, one is real world, and one is from a series of books called the Eternal Champion.


With SAS training, they work on the four man squad rule, this means that four is the smallest number that can adequately defend themselves. Each person brings their own speciality to the grouping and thus makes the squad stronger.


The problem i see with your suggestion is how to apply it to the four of us, without additonal training i do not see how it can be, perhaps you could enlighten me further on how you think this could work?


Ramza,Asfaloth. Thank you for making your intentions clear, but this is not the thread for doing that. Instead you should have PM'd m,e when you have reached the rank of WolfBrother and we could discuss this then.




Ranger Leader

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Well, my idea was just a suggestion. From the way I read your post I thought you were suggesting we would need additional training anyway.


Perhaps I don’t understand completely what you’re thinking. Maybe you could embellish more of what SAS training is besides us four fighting as one.


(As for how to make my idea work, I’m not completely sure right now :wink: )


*Looks around at the other Rangers*


Anyone else have a bright idea?






By the way Owen, did you name your screen name ‘The White Wolf’ after the publishing company that Michael Moorcock published his book ‘The Eternal Champion’? (White Wolf publishing)

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Hey Shep,


WhiteWolf is one of Elric's "titles". Elric was and always will be my favourite literary fantasy character. A lot of the initial ideas i had for Owen were based on Elric, although they have changed substantially since then.


When i first read his books they were published by Bantam, White Wolf Publishing is something he has set up in recent times...perhaps i should ask forroyalties :lol:



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No you are not as you have not completed the final requirement........you're bugging me to post? Dude, y'all take long enough to post yourself, and never let me know when you are LOA, so i will post when i feel like it



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Sorry about my lack of presence, but I took a beating from RL and honestly was too busy to even jump on here. Plus a little too poor. I'm not bugging you about it either I'm just telling you that it is there and is ready to be finished. I haven't so much as said another thing about it so I don't feel that what I said merits being called 'Bugging' you.

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Dude, you have asked me to post to both the pike thread and your Ranger training, which i did, you then disappear without a word, then come back and the only thing you say is can i post to your training......put yourself in my position, how would you feel if someone was behaving like that with you?



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I understand your position but I wasn't 'bugging' you. I'm OCD so it honestly bothers me to leave things unfinished. I don't mean to do it but it just happens sometimes. I have my final moved over here and updated. Post at your leisure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

emmm... i'm assuming the 4 rangers are: Owen, John, Sheperd and Lorelai. Assuming... :)


oh and I never saw the movie: House of the Flying Daggers... can you maybe give me another example? :D

Although...I guess i'm getting what you mean. As to me suggesting an idea... well...I don't really know much about these stuff so whatever I say will pretty much sound bad *L*


Now...when you say team work..can it be something like... for example Sheperd grabs Lorelai's hands and swings her around and she face kicks the enemies around her. Do you mean that kind of team work?





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You're sort of thinking along the correct lines Lorelai, but not quite. By doing what you suggest, it would leave Shep open to attack with no way to defend himself, without letting go of you...not something i am sure you would want....although i flying Lorelai would be worth seeing :lol:


Something that came to mind as a better example, if you remember the fight scene in Two Towers, where Aragorn and Gimli are attacking the Uruk Hai in front of the gates of Helms Deep? If you do picture how they were fighting, each covering the other and neither leaving an opening for the ernemy to attach through, nor stayign in the same place for too long, to make themselves much harder to hit.


Now imagine four ppl fighting like that. As a loose example, each person would cover the four points of the compass....Owen = North

Lorelai = South

John = East

Shepherd = West.


That would be our natural starting postions, as the conflict progress's we would adapt that initial stance to cover where the attacks come from. So if they were from the east, we would orientate to the east.


I may be going into minutae here, and over complicating things, so guys, shoot me down, back me up, or whatever...ideas ideas ideas!!!!



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Speaking as one who fought the SG with the Aiel and WK, I think this tactic is perfect for the Rangers to use in combat (in a defensive form, though). When you're covering N,S,E,W, or in the sense of Gimli & Aragorn (or Legolas? none matter much), I can't really see this as an advancing formation. More of, when the odds are highly in favour of the baddies, but this may just be my mental imaging software I'm stuck with and I should upgrade :(.

It would require being able to move smoothly from form to form and knowing what your brethren to either side of you will do, almost like a higher communication and understanding from years of training together and the thought-speak used by us.


Knowing when best to attack your mate's man, when to defend, only teeth and no flesh to show, but again my understanding of the matter. Being able to "dance" with a sword in hand, tightly, with four bodies moving all to the same rhytmn.

*grins* You guys are gonna have to be real close.

Thinking the same thing, all acting as parts of the same being. Designed to be perfect with its four parts.. It will still be strong if a member has fallen, but no where near as effective. The rhytmn would change, the tempo slacken as the other member's have to compensate.


My advice is to train in two's first, getting in touch with the same beat, being able to know where your companion is, where they're moving to, where they are going to guard, where they are going to strike, when to defend them, when to defend yourself. Then, add another member, then the last.


Difficulty: Again, the only way to truly test the capabilities of the "Four as One" technique is to have 5 + attackers (maybe just 5 for old Owen) to press them, know where they will spread the pressure, help and work together as an elite fighting unit.

Also, finding willing volunteers to go up against you guys in full fighting form.

:idea: Why Erik's a Tracker.


Like to hear about how the training goes old O, always interested in you Rangers and tactics and all that messy blood stuff :wink: cheers,



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Just cuz EVERYONE is posting on this after me and seems so enthusiastic about it..

I was reading tDR over again and if any of you's remember the fight at the beginning where the SG's attack the camp and Perrin goes out to fight among the wolves.. It was in groups of four that they split themselves off into. Fighting units perfect for taking down Trollocs, and really, we should have adapted a more wolf-like attack strategy long ago,

(Like to hear some feed-back, s'il te plait et merci).



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Why shouldn't the wolfkin develop their own sword techs or something, like movements meant to slide together? And when not in attack mode why not operate like a pack anyway, or a military unit, some scouts, a commander and just brute force? By the way Owen, post is up, sorry about the wait. I got pretty distraugh after I reposted the entire thing along with my update and it couldn't hold all the text. :cry:

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