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Class Census


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Ok Dali said Dashiva was having a few computer problems and I am wanting to Teach a class but since Dash isnt here. Everyone need to post what classes they need use this format.




Classes need for advancment:



Thank you

Ashrak Delin


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Guest Faile1987

Name: Ged Maevere

Rank: Soldier

Classes needed for advancement:Class:

Basic Offence/Defence Weaves


Would be great to get this on my schedule nex to the Physical Training and Basic Manipulation which are already in progress :D

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ok that will work I was actually going to try and get a Dedicated to run a Soldier class with me just being there as an overseer and guide for the Ded Teacher and then Teach a Dedicated Class myself, I was going to wait until after this weekend to start the classes.


So this weekend Asfaloth think about how you will teach Basic Offense/Defense to the soldiers, remember my character will be in on the class just as an observer.


I will start the advanced class for the Ded next week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Vykor Temmer

Rank: Soldier

Class: Basic Offense/Defense, Basic Elemental Manipulation, and Phys Ed.


I am currently in all of these though (or will be after I post to the offense/defense class tonight.


The basic elemental manipulation class has stalled though and needs a kick start. :D

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Name: Brand Ishmar

Rank: Dedicated

Class needed: Well the im in older weapons class and advanced elemental manipulation and I joined the new AEM class for the fun of it, but I, like most of the veteran dedicateds need the Advanced Offence and defence.


NOTISE TOO DALI AND ANDAR: the old weapons class has kinda died out since Andar is not around, same with the AEM, so could we pleaze finnish them off, I realy want to be an Ashi... :cry:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Dalinar

Brand, you can consider the AEM class finished. The responses to it got too sporadic for me to think it worthwhile continuing so I stopped, basically :P Which is a bit sucky/slack, but I could tell the ones who would've finished from those who wouldn't and that'll satisfy me.



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