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Cliche and Stereotype Mafia - A possible Basic Game - All ideas and thoughts welcome

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So, our recent little Parody of a DM Mafia Game here in the BT has got me thinking.


If there were a Basic Game of Mafia - where the Roles were all the usual stuff, but the Characters assigned to the players were 'Typical Stereo Type Mafia Player'


What Characters would be possible?


The Characters would in effect be kind of a PR - where the Player would have to act in na certain way according to the Stereotype they were assigned. Furthermore - the Characters would be randomly given to the Player - regardless of if they had a Town or Mafia Role.


Would it be interesting to effectively remove Meta by giving someone a different persona?

How would you feel about not being able to do your own 'usual thing'?

And if say, The Lurker ended up being a Town Character, would you be more or less inclined to vote them?

How about if The Wall of Texter was a Mafia Character?


Anyways ... Suggested Stereotypes of Mafia Players for Roles please ... and maybe a bit of an explanation as to how they would behave?


And anything else too - Maybe a list of Phrases that each Character would need to include at least once in the Game.



I am already chuckling about the possible Fake Claiming of Characters :laugh:


Possible Characters


The Lurker

The Wall Of Texter

The Outragious Fake Claimer

The Poo Flinger (everything is a Mafia Tell)

The Terrier (Latches on and refuses to let go)

The Flirt

The Re-Reader

The Post Count/Activity Announcer

The Cuddly Fluffy Unicorn (Lots of twee posts with no real meaning)

The Drunk Posting Bad Speller

The Stroppy Huffer (Swears they are DONE and will never play here again)

The Perpetually Confused

The Paranoid One (Everyone is out to get them)

The Buddy-er

The Insomniac

The Single Line Addition to a Multiquoter

The Hit and Run Voter

The Instant Un-voter when people Claim

The Smiley + 1-Liner

The Colour Coder

The Code Fail-er

The Mason Pair of 1: Extremely Complicated Posts with Multiquotes and Coloured Additions & 2: The Simplify Your Posts - I'm On My Mobile

The Compulsive Poster

The Image Poster

The Flip-Flopping Voter

The Inactives Lyncher

The Wacky Gambit Schemer

The Follower (Never makes their own case - always follws another's)

The Thesaurian (lots and lots of big words)

The Compulsive Defender

The Rotating Random

The Friend of Someone Famous-er

The Sole Arbiter of Optimal Play - There is only one correct strategy for any situation and that is the one the Sole Arbiter uses. Anyone who disagrees is a noob or a moron.

The Lecturer - Enjoys lecturing on mafia theory more than playing the game.

The Bickering Lovers - What Ithi said. Also, preferably a pair of vets who have been doing this for so long as to resemble an old married couple.

The al dente FoS thrower - Throws FoSes against the wall until one sticks (some people cook pasta like this).

The Pascal's Tunneler (metagame version of the above e.g. "X is scum, book it") - Like Pascal's Wager except replace belief in God with belief that some arbitrary player is mafia.

The Devil's Advocate - Always shoots down arguments he deems unworthy regardless of his own opinion on the matter.

The Theoretical Convolutionist - Makes overly complicated theories about setup, night actions, and player interaction.

The Obscure Role Accusation Monger - Generally accuses several people of being some obscure anti-town role by D2.

Bearer of Morton's Fork - Creates conditional logical arguments that inevitably result in the same conclusion. No matter how the lynch flips it will be used as evidence that Player X is mafia. Named after an infamous British tax collector

The Shamanic Scumhunter (scumhunts in altered states of consciousness) - 6th sense for scum. May or may not use alcohol or recreational drugs to "aid" scumhunting.

The Compulsive Revealer - see Eternal Phoenix

The Compulsive Rolefisher - Doesn't know when to shut up about who he thinks could be the town power roles.

Captain Obvious - Always pointing out the obvious.

Captain Obtuse - Always unwilling or unable to accept obvious conclusions.

The FoS Singularity - Attracts suspicion like a black hole.

The Greased Eel - Suspicion slides off this person so naturally that no one notices.

The Hammurabic OMGUS Voter - Always tunnels anyone who votes him/her.

The Compulsive Busser - Busses at the slightest need, whether real or imagined.

The Scum Captain Who Goes Down With the Ship - Defends scummates to the point of suicide.

Scummy Appleseed - Subtly plants the seeds of scummy theories but waits for someone else to make them grow.

The Trap Nester - Every play this person makes is a trap. Oftentimes a trap within a trap. The layers of traps are unending and incomprehensible.

The Socratic Debater - Always asks leading questions instead of making declaraative statments.

Sigmund Freud - Sees anything and everything as scumslip.

The Projector - Accuses others of something he always does. Not in a hypocritical manner so much as a narcissistic one.

The Unexplained Voter

The Constant Reminderer of Awesome games in the past

The Never Reads the OP-er

The Veteran - Someone who's been around so long that everyone assumes that they are automatically the best player. Rarely survives 2 nights without a cop viewing them.

The Total Spammer - only posts gifs and memes and daft stuff

The Tell me your Meta-ist - asks for lists of previous games to ascertain your usual play depending on alignment

The Liar Liar Bum's on Fire Towny - might as well be mafia

The DM Mafia Hater/Addict - hates how we play but always signs up for the next game

The Super Genius Noob player who no-one believes is a noob - PMs to Verbal will occur to have your IP checked

The I'm Not Here Explainer - will always post an awesome summary tomorrow. Tomorrow ... it's always a day away.

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Just because you don't quite seem to get it ... these would be generic stereotypes, and not the personas portrayed by real people who play here on DM.


So ... you need to find a name that is Generic for your Character. And then a description of how they would act, and possibly any key phrases they would use.


At the moment I can't accept your submission :tongue:


The person who makes anything and everything that someone does into a Mafia Tell? Yes that's valid lol


Hmmm ... this one might be familiar - The Terrier: The Player who selects one person to receive ALL their attention and refuses to budge from them no matter what!



  On 6/19/2013 at 9:33 AM, Ithillian said:


  On 6/19/2013 at 9:31 AM, cindy said:

the inactivity post out poster

What is this?

typo, the post count poster who throughout the game posts everyone's post out with the battle cry we gotta step it up ppl

  On 6/19/2013 at 9:34 AM, Ithillian said:


  On 6/19/2013 at 9:33 AM, cindy said:

the sweet and silly makes no game related poster

*hugs evwywun!*

The cuddly, fluffy unicorn?

rainbows and lollipops...

  On 6/19/2013 at 9:34 AM, cindy said:


  On 6/19/2013 at 9:33 AM, Ithillian said:


  On 6/19/2013 at 9:31 AM, cindy said:

the inactivity post out poster

What is this?
typo, the post count poster who throughout the game posts everyone's post out with the battle cry we gotta step it up ppl


Ahh yes. I know them well.


The Re-Quoter and Multi-Quoter



Very closely related

  On 6/19/2013 at 9:35 AM, cindy said:

the huffer offer, gets mad, says they'll never play again, is back in two hours





'cos DM Mafia is soooooooooo bad

  On 6/19/2013 at 9:35 AM, Ithillian said:


  On 6/19/2013 at 9:34 AM, cindy said:


  On 6/19/2013 at 9:33 AM, Ithillian said:


  On 6/19/2013 at 9:31 AM, cindy said:

the inactivity post out poster

What is this?
typo, the post count poster who throughout the game posts everyone's post out with the battle cry we gotta step it up ppl

Ahh yes. I know them well.

The Re-Quoter and Multi-Quoter

Very closely related

this will be hard to do without everyone playing their usual styles but I suppose that gives thePR sufferer a chance

  On 6/19/2013 at 9:37 AM, cindy said:


  On 6/19/2013 at 9:35 AM, Ithillian said:


  On 6/19/2013 at 9:34 AM, cindy said:


  On 6/19/2013 at 9:33 AM, Ithillian said:


  On 6/19/2013 at 9:31 AM, cindy said:

the inactivity post out poster

What is this?
typo, the post count poster who throughout the game posts everyone's post out with the battle cry we gotta step it up ppl
Ahh yes. I know them well.

The Re-Quoter and Multi-Quoter

Very closely related

this will be hard to do without everyone playing their usual styles but I suppose that gives thePR sufferer a chance

Perhaps the Single Line addition to a Multiquoter


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