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Character’s Name: Roseli Kera

DM Handle: Seiakera

Age: 17

Place of Origin: Ebou Dar, Altara

Appearance: Olive skin, 5’8 with wide shoulders; shoulder length black hair and dark brown eyes

Personality: Roseli approaches life with a bold intensity and when combined with her temper, she is prone to rash decisions and frequent arguments. Once she sees logic and reason, she can be a fierce and loyal friend.


Brief History:


Born in Ebou Dar, she was raised at the Kera Inn. She was named after her grandmother who passed before she was born. Roseli’s father often spoke about his sister, her aunt, Seiaman Kera, and how she discovered her path as a Warder and that eventful visit so many years ago when she was a babe. The stories filled her head with dreams and fantasies of traveling with the Aes Sedai of the White Tower, fighting against evil and the Shadow, and restoring balance and to bring good to the darkest corners of the world.


When she wasn’t doing her chores and learning her letters and numbers, she was always off at a nearby blacksmith shop, watching the men there created weapons and spar with each other to test the worthiness of the blade. Roseli even got a few lessons from time to time. When she became 13, she begged her father to allow her to take lessons to learn how to wield the sword. He relented and made arrangements for her to learn from one of the retired soldiers who frequented their Inn.


She came to age 16 and approached her father one evening. “I want to follow in Seiaman’s footsteps, Pa. I want to go to Tar Valon and train as a warrior.” There was no room for argument, Roseli’s mind was made up and no matter what her mother said to try to convince her not to leave, her father knew better. The Kera blood ran in her veins and once a Kera wanted something, they got it.

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