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March Exchange: Arts & Crafts month!


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March is National Arts & Crafts month  here in the states and the Kin celebrates it in a lot of different ways! My favorite of which is this exchange. It's pretty simple. You sign up, you get matched up with someone. You make them something this month and put it in the mail to make their day brighter! It can be anything you do normally or something you learn how to do this month! Whatever makes you happy!  The key is to keep it small enough that you don't get killed in postage! 



Things I've received in the last 7 years include:

-small paintings (they're framed and on my desk!)

-book marks

-embroidered patches

- beaded items

- art work



Seriously, the doors are wide open for this one! 



So, who's in? I've already got plans!!! *rubs her hands together*

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