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Would you like to meet DMers?


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  • Moderator

There are three active meets being planned on the DM Meets board right now. We're currently planning a summer Euromeet for those of you in that area and a long weekend in Las Vegas in April. I'll be at the Vegas meet, along with my husband. There is also a So Cal meet being planned by Leanne Sedai. It looks like its becoming an annual tradition here, so if you're in the area, you should look into it.


I'd love to. It used to be that all the interesting forums were US based, not great for an Aussie who wanted to meet fellow fans, but we're around more and more these days.

Maybe an Aussie meet might be on the cards for sometime in the future. :D

  • Moderator

There's been interest in an Aussie meet before. After I get Euromeet established, I'll work on that continent.


SBoyd, Dragon*Con '07 is coming up in September. Its in Atlanta every year and its the biggest gathering of WoT fans in the country, amoung other things. I'll stat posting information about it soon.


Heck Kiv, you and I could have our own mini-DM-meet. If my geography is right, Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods are just about half way between you and me. Find a good babysitter for the kids and bring the wife. We'll have a blast....


Oh and incidentally, I think I've decided to come to D*con this year. The really cool thing is, I think I can do it for next to nothing (thank you Marriott and Hertz, I knew all those trips to New Jersey and Wisconsin would pay off eventually). As this will be my first Con, I'll be looking for advice on how to avoid the real weirdos and find all the normal people who just happen to have the same addiction to this series as I do.

  • Moderator

Excellent! Just stick with the WoT track, even the people who aren't DMers are pretty cool. =)


Since you want to stay at the Mariott, you might want to book now. It fills up quickly.


dallas would be cool. im too broke to make it to las vegas, and i refuse to enter the state of california. my dad lives there, so ive spent quite a bit of time out there. everyone ive met there is soo fake, they drive me insane. aside from the fact that its 9 dollars for a movie...before 5.

  • Moderator

We did Dallas last year. We'll swing back that way eventually, however. My in laws are in that neighborhood so I'm out there at least once a year.

  • Moderator

Alright Aussies, I've put up a thread for you all to start planning a meet. Go to it. :shock:

Heck Kiv, you and I could have our own mini-DM-meet. If my geography is right, Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods are just about half way between you and me. Find a good babysitter for the kids and bring the wife. We'll have a blast....


That would be worth the trip . . .


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