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Stargate Universe Getting Rebooted?


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Surw sure. Maybe it was a stretch to claim it didm't have any drama. But I can't say that I was satisfied with the action pace. The most "exciting" part was when the .. was it lucians? .. captured the ship for a while.

Well personally my favorite bit was actually the first storyline where they are running out of air. But really there were plenty of exciting episodes. The time they battled those crazy plants and Scott was infected and in some sort of dream where he was getting married. The time that catbear thing captured TJ and that other dude and took them back to it's cave. The time they met their decedents and were constantly being harassed by the drones. The time the blue aliens were on the ship and took Chloe. The time the civilians mutinied and the soldiers had to take back control of the ship. You didn't think any of that was exciting?


Space battles? That must have been in the last 4-5 episodes that I spared myself from xD

There has been a few. Including the time the Destiny blew up. That was a really cool sequence.

The thing about the space battles is they were really expensive to produce so they were somewhat rare (I think maybe 5 or 6 times total in the two seasons?) but they definitely looked great.


I just don't know how it's possible to compare the drama of a dude sufficating, with atlantis submerging to evade anhilation ;) the eventual assult on atlantis, tons of spacebattles between different factions, daniel being turned into a orion priest, o'neil being freezed in a ancient chamber and so on so forth ^^

Actually I haven't really watched much Atlantis. I saw maybe 4 or 5 episodes but didn't get hooked. I think I was way more into video games back then rather than tv shows so maybe I should give it another try. Regardless I am not saying that SGU is better than Atlantis. All I have ever tried to say to anyone was that SGU is not a bad show and I just don't understand how a fan of science fiction could actually dislike it.



I suppose I would have been fine with the series if it was named


"The starship - Cronicles of Destiney" Instead of "Stargate - Universe" xP


The show only got two seasons

IIRC they wanted at least five to really tell their story

It was about the universe

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Benganza, if you wer ea die-hard firefly fan, you'd be tarred and feathered for your list by the legion of brown coats. :tongue:


Oneof the reasons I disliked SGU  is mostly the camera work. They tried to make it 'new trendy' or something, and I think it made  it fall flat on its face.

The show had potential, I'll give it that.

What was wrong with the camera work?

they were using shakey cam, and that odd filter to give it that reality-tv look.

Yeah in some scenes they were

Usually when they do the whole "running and explosions" type of thing which happened a lot in the first few episodes

I don't like shaky cam either but I don't think they overused it


I have no idea what you mean by reality tv look

Do you mean the scenes shot through the Kino? It's supposed to look like that

It's like he's making a documentary

Oh I know that, but the entire show had that feel, and not just the Kino cam thing.

(Note, I DESPISE reality tv... except for Myth Busters. Because, thats not 30-60 minutes of self-made drama whining about nothing... Its uh... 60 minutes of blowing shit up. :tongue:

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Ummm well sorry I just don't know what you mean then

I never noticed anything like that

You probably grew up with modern-reality shows, and its just harder for ya to see what it is I'm refering to.. 

Just to note though, about the time that SGU came out, Sci-fi (now syfy)  was making a very large shift from... well. Science fiction... to Reality TV. SGU (imo) was kind of briding that gap between weekly-series. (SG/SGA) and reality. Perhaps hooking sci-fi fans into reality tv by giving them a little mock taste of it.



At about that time, kind of shows off what I mean about the camera work.

I know its intentional but it looks amateurish.

They quite litterally add a wobble to the camera, during scenes, to give it that look of someone holding a camera like it were a reality tv.


I konw early in the season, there were times it looked like there was at least 1 scene with someone talking directly to the camera like they do in big brother.

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Ummm well sorry I just don't know what you mean then

I never noticed anything like that

You probably grew up with modern-reality shows, and its just harder for ya to see what it is I'm refering to.. 

Just to note though, about the time that SGU came out, Sci-fi (now syfy)  was making a very large shift from... well. Science fiction... to Reality TV. SGU (imo) was kind of briding that gap between weekly-series. (SG/SGA) and reality. Perhaps hooking sci-fi fans into reality tv by giving them a little mock taste of it.



At about that time, kind of shows off what I mean about the camera work.

I know its intentional but it looks amateurish.

They quite litterally add a wobble to the camera, during scenes, to give it that look of someone holding a camera like it were a reality tv.


I konw early in the season, there were times it looked like there was at least 1 scene with someone talking directly to the camera like they do in big brother.


I never watch reality TV, so I don't care how they look and thus have no negative associations with the camera style of SGU. And I don't think syfy tried to brainwash sci-fi watchers into reality show fans, that would be pretty pointless. The only things that are somewhat in that direction are the video logs in the first episodes and they have the simple purpose of giving the audience an introduction of the support cast.

I think what you mean are the darkness and the low camera angles/height to convey the narrow corridors but that reminded me more of submarine movies like Das Boot or Hunt for red october

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Ummm well sorry I just don't know what you mean then

I never noticed anything like that

You probably grew up with modern-reality shows, and its just harder for ya to see what it is I'm refering to.. 

Just to note though, about the time that SGU came out, Sci-fi (now syfy)  was making a very large shift from... well. Science fiction... to Reality TV. SGU (imo) was kind of briding that gap between weekly-series. (SG/SGA) and reality. Perhaps hooking sci-fi fans into reality tv by giving them a little mock taste of it.



At about that time, kind of shows off what I mean about the camera work.

I know its intentional but it looks amateurish.

They quite litterally add a wobble to the camera, during scenes, to give it that look of someone holding a camera like it were a reality tv.


I konw early in the season, there were times it looked like there was at least 1 scene with someone talking directly to the camera like they do in big brother.

I assure you I'm not a fan of reality tv for the most part and I definitely didn't grow up watching them since when I was young (5ish to 15ish) I used to spend the vast majority of my time reading. Tv just didn't hold much interest to me.


As for shakey cam, I 100% agree. It looks like crap 99% of the time. It doesn't bother me as much in tv shows but in movies it drives me freaking nuts. I thought you were talking about some kind of filter or something though? That's what I was talking about when I said I don't know what you mean. The shakey cam I know about. I guess I love the story too much to let it get to me for this show.


Also yeah the times they talk into the camera is 100% story related. I'm not sure if you remember but the character Eli found these "floaty balls that can do stuff" that he named Kino. One thing they can do is record video like a camera so Eli gets the idea he wants to make a documentary about their trip and starts forcing people to record their thoughts about stuff. I can see why it would come off as reality tvish but it was actually just a device for easy info dump and character development.

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Oh yea, I know all that. And eli basically stated he wanted to send those videos home to make it a 'reality tv' so to speak.


The shakey cam + that, and I swear theres some kind of filter on it... (is there such a thing as a dark and gritty light filter? :tongue:) I dunno, Istill have to finish the last half of the last season, but for me, the story hasn't been good enough for me to get past the technical issues I have with the shakey cam effect, and ect. :wink:

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