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Awaiting AMoL


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I have read the forums for years, and was active on a different one, but never posted here. As AMoL nears, the itching has become unbearable and this forum has been serving as my mouth wash and NyQuil until I can hold that magical bottle of Jordan in my hands and feel the sweet intoxicating release of that which lies within.


Anyways, thought I would stop lurking and throw a couple posts out, so hi!

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hey maine (im too lazy to spell out your whole name)


welcome to DM :smile:, DM is in some ways as addicting as the WoT is :nod:


you should also check out the SG ,and there is the discussions, and RP if you're into stuff like that



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Thanks. Not too into roleplaying and such, but thanks for the info and invite. I can attest to the addictive nature, I have spent like 3 hours a day on this website over the last week. Will probably be even more after I read the book to hear about all the stuff I missed. I have only read the series like 3 times (with a couple books only twice), so I am sure I miss a lot.

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Oh yeah, this is definitely addictive. :P  The SGs are really fun, and probably the most addictive, you can meet a bunch of great people there.  The general wheel of time discussion is great if you want to get out some of your theories on the books, and the general discussion board is good for real life discussions, mafia games, and spam.  Welcome to DM! :smile:

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