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Comment on TOR website...Perrin fulfulls wolf king prophesy?

joeron bigelow

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In honor of The Wheel of Time Reread reaching the end of Towers of Midnight, and thus all the currently-published books, we’re featuring the ebook art for Towers of Midnight, illustrated by Raymond Swanland and featuring Perrin Aybara, Lord of the Two Rivers and Wolfbrother, as he forges the hammer Mah’alleinir, the first new power-wrought weapon in hundreds of years. In doing so he not only reintroduces a technique that had been lost since the Trolloc Wars, he also fulfills the Prophecy of the Wolf King.



thats from the TOR website...What prophecy is that?  Can someone help me here?  I spelly prophecy wrong in the title so people reed this...haha.


Tylee quoted it in KOD.


‘When the Wolf King carries the hammer, thus are the final days known. When the fox marries the raven, and the trumpets of battle are blown.’


argh...sorry for wasting everyones time.  For some odd reason I got the wolf king and broken crown thing mixed up. 


I read about the hammer and associated wolf king and broken crown.  dont ask how i did it...too much reading.  Im re-reading New Spring...


Min had a viewing about the Broken Crown. And I'd say the Wolf King prophecy is not entirely fulfilled. He carries the hammer, but he's not a king just yet.

Min had a viewing about the Broken Crown. And I'd say the Wolf King prophecy is not entirely fulfilled. He carries the hammer, but he's not a king just yet.


Doesn't Faile ask Perrin to tell her mom that he is King of the Wolves?


It is pretty obvious that Perrin is being setup to be the Artur Hawkwing of the new age.  He is basically going to be the great king that overshadows Hawkwing and leads the people into the next age.  Assuming he survives the last battle, he is going to end up ruling all of the borderlands and maybe significantly more territories.


Rand is the savior who saved the world and all of mankind...Jesus level stories will be told about him.  Mat is going to be the general/trickster/gambler that leads to countless tavern and soldier stories for the next 1000 years.  Perrin is going to be the great king that replaces the Hawkwing stories.  Egwene will be the great Amyrlin story.


Funny, as I write this I am having a hard time thinking what Nynaeve's story will be.  Maybe she does have a good chance of dying at the end of this whole thing after all.


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