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Outrigger novels...author choices

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Is this a hypothetical "what if"? RJ was very against any type of "shared world" setting. He was the creator and it wasn't until the very end that he even agreed the main story be finished. As of now there are no plans to allow other authors to do those books and I think it is the correct decision. There is not nearly enough outline/materials to do them the way RJ wanted.


Well yeah it's hypothetical given from the quotes that you and Luckers have provided the novels won't be released. But I think it would be interesting to see who people think should/could do them and the various reasons.

Just idle speculation. That's all. I'm bored between my rereads. Lol.


So sutt who would you want?


So sutt who would you want?


Well if time wasn't an issue(she has had serious delays with her own series) I have always thought J.V. Jones would do an awesome job with the WoT. She is a Tor author and her style in the "Sword of Shadows" series strikes me as fitting well in the WoT world. She has assured, strong prose which wouldn't hurt either.


Goodkind is a bit hit and miss, but if he did as well at the beginning of Sword of Truth then I think he could have done well with WoT. I also think that Tad Williams would do well, he is not so good with magick but since the magick system is already created he do amazing descriptions. Robert Weinberg is very good at writing in other's settings and more importantly he can write for a world with a very powerful magick system and not get it messed up since he have written books set in the Mage the Ascension setting which have one crazy powerful magick system.


I think Peter F Hamilton (author of The Commonwealth Saga) would do alright by WoT. The guy has a way with epic stories that involve dozens of characters and sub-plots. He's verbose as hell too, so would fit right in. I don't know if it would quite mesh with the style of WoT, but he'd be a great candidate for prep-work and keeping all the intricate plots straight.


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