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Hi all


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I have started reading the series some 8 years ago i think. Somehow I never got around to registering

on the forums, although these are my favourite books by far, and i think i reread all of them at least several times.


I guess it's because series are coming to an end, and I want to share my thoughts about it all.

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Hihi and wecome to DM :biggrin: Glad you decided to join us :happy: 8 years eh? Wow that's awesome! Though I don't evy you having to wait for each new book to come out :rolleyes: So who are your favorite/least favorite characters from the series?


I suggest you check out the Social Groups because they're awesome and that's were most of the people are. We're a friendly bunch so feel free to ask if you have questions. There are discussion boards and RP boards as well if your into that.

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Well hello again, and thanks for the welcome :rolleyes:


What i really hope is that there will be a sense of closure in aMol. I like Brandons style and,

judging by the prologue and first two chapters I think it will be good ending to my favourite book series.


I am already checking out the social groups, I'll see where to throw my alegiance : )


EDIT: Just one question, are you allowed to join only one social group or can join more of them?

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You should count your self lucky you've met the bubbly lolface (its an achievement), the pink turtle, and the annoying red haired guy sheep's older brother








*goes off to check the rules about spam on these boards*

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Well this is the warmest (and spammiest) welcome I have ever received on the forums :)


I'm lurking in the social groups now, there seems to be so much going on, I think I'll first get around

to know place a little better. Do you have any group you'd reccomend to start with?

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Well we're really glad you feel welcome :biggrin: Spam happens to be one of our favorite activities :rolleyes:


Hmmm well while all the SGs I've been in are good, I'd recommend starting with either the Wolfkin or the White Tower. The WK is really friendly and welcoming and spammy and it's a good place to get to know people. You'll also get a mentor upon joining who can help you get to know the place better. The WT has it's own special subboard just for the newbies and semi-newbies so you can hang out there until you get to know the rest of the WT better. These happen to be my two favorite places, so that's probably why I'm recommending them :rolleyes: Other people probably have other opinions. If you want to know more about them I should probably put it in a PM.

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The WK is idd a safe place to start. The Band, Kin and Ogier aren't that lively and have more older members. Shayol Ghul is just plain evil, so don't expect to find any kindness there xD The Black Tower is a really nice place, but you have to know how to keep up with all the spam. The White Tower is huuuuugee and will definitely broaden your horizon and allow you to meet a lot of new people. TLDR: start with the WK or WT till you get to know people a bit better.

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My advice would be to read the information thread About the Social Community Boards first, then the welcome threads or pinned topics of each of those Social Groups. Not each Group appeals to each person. Some will like just one group, some will like several, and some people obviously have multiple personalities :P


Anyhoo, pick those that appeal to you, hang around in them, and join up if you want to see more of them.

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Welcome to DM! Wow, eight years. I couldn't imagine waiting for that long for the story to come to an end. Yeah, people tend to get a little spammy sometimes. I would agree that the WK is a safe place to get started. Although, things can be normal there and it can turn crazy in 0.2 seconds. The WT is my favorite and the BT is always good for spamming, though on occasion some serious discussions take place there. Hope to see you around.

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