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Need some information, please!


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Hello, all!


I was considering joining the Band, as I have a lot of musical interests.


However, reading the informational sticky about the Band, I had a very hard time telling what the purpose of each of the regiments are and if any of them would be a fit for me.


Can somebody give me a hand?



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lol well... this is complicated sorta kinda... well first of all the best way to figure out what each Regiment is about is to go through the RR program and experience them all.. really they're just...... different... i don't know that we have ever put any fixed "purpose" to any one regiment.... But each has it's good attributes, usually associated to the people that makes them up.

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In general, the three regiments are each their own form of tricksters that like to joke with the other regiments about how their regiment is better than the others. That's the in general idea of each of the regiments.


Aside from that.....we're the Band and we like to have fun and listen to music :biggrin:

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