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Ive looked at it. I like it alot but dont see it as something that would hold me for very long.


Who knows, maybe it will go on sale one day ill pick it up and then I will fall out of my chair and realise its been a week.

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I think it'll hold your attention a lot longer than you think

Also it's only $9

If you're really worried it's not worth the money you could just pirate it to try it out (whatever happened to demos anyway?)


So far I've unlocked two ships

The Engi ship which is AMAZING and the Zoltan ship which is super lame

Or maybe I'm just not using it right idk...


But yeah I've had some really cool adventures in the past few hours since I made this post

I'm only here right now because I got frustrated because I had such an amazing lead in money and technology and crew members and then BAM warped right into an asteroid field and encountered a pirate ship which sent a raiding party onto my ship

I deployed a robot to take care of them but they smashed it up and proceeded to wreck havoc on my ship all the while their ship and the asteroids were pelting my ship

As soon as the situation on my ship was pretty much doomed they warped out and then I exploded

Soooo frustrating

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Im on a students budget, so 9$ is the difference between Gas/Food or a game. XD


Ill get it eventually im sure. I just dont like pirating things, especially when they are this cheaply priced. It just feels wrong especially when I see how good something is and how much time they have put into it. I feel like it makes them want to stop making games or unable to continue to make games.

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Oh I've seen you around before


Yeah I dunno

It's when people board my ship that I get really screwed

And I can never seem to be "secure"

I'm always scrounging for ammo and fuel and more crew members and upgrades and everything

It's like no matter how much I get I'm always just one bad jump away from death and that kind of sucks

Feels like you never make any progress or that the progress you made was minimal


Very addicting though especially if you roleplay with it a bit and name the characters and the ship

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

Beat the game for the third time (still on easy) and finally unlocked the Mantis ship


Now the only ships I'm missing are the Slug and the Crystal (and a few of the alternate layouts)


I've seen some people say the fun kind of ends after you beat the Flagship for the first time but that's not the case for me

Unlike most games I've played I am actually kind of driven to unlocking everything and completing every achievement for this game

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