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September Check in chatter


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yes, you should, but I should apologize for the headache I can't shake. I will hopefully have this dr's appt next Wednesday to find out what's causing it. *sighs* It's been bad today and I'm going to bed as soon as my hair is a bit more dry to try to sleep some of it off.


I don't suppose you messed your back up this weekend?

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Oh, pick an issue to visit a doctor for. I have a whole bunch of 'em. I have an appointment on Wednesday about my head. I'll throw my back in for the heck of it, while I'm at it. Will that make you feel better?

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Well, I know what's wrong with my back, at least. Car accident on one side, baby on the other. Not much you can do about either until they get so bad you can't move. I'd imagine that'll take another 5 years or so. Gimme 'til I hit 40 and we'll see if I can move.


My head... bah. They don't have a clue what's wrong with my head. *shrugs* That'll probably be something else where they won't figure it out until it gets so bad that I can't drive or walk. Then we'll see what they catch before my head blows up. Fun stuff...

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