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*shakes head* This is rapidly becoming a comedy of errors. *finally bypasses the lock on the 'Nai 'Squai storage locker* Ummm... a bit of help? I need to get this as far away from here as possible.

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You'd be surprised; Mehrin is a recovering alcoholic of epic proportions. However, since he has apparently chosen to spectate instead of participate... *glares at Mehrin, who glares back* ... I think you're pretty safe.


Status report! What's the situation with the Bandweiser?

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ewwwwwww you actually made a beer based on Budweiser? And you wonder why Mehrin doesn't participate. DUH!


Hooks arm through Mehrin's and leads him to the dining meadow. "He's not very good at this stuff, is he Master Mehrin? You must be starving. We were just in the middle of preparing our annual Fin de Saison festival. We'd be honored if you could join us for our opening meal. And any other Bander who's not as rude as their leader by just taking what they want." Myst lowers her voice to a mere whisper, "The Ogier and the Aiel have been working on a non-alcoholic beverage that will curl the toes off a mountain lion. The Wise Ones tell me it has remarkable restoring capacities." The Tinkers were bustling about in the area, setting everything up. Children running and playing amongst the tables while being chased by their older siblings, women ordering the men around to put everything just so, elderly men sitting by the sides smoking their pipes with tinkling pleasure in their eyes observing the mayhem. From time to time one of the cooks in the food tents was seen chasing a youngster out with her spoon, yet every time the youngster had managed to escape with a tonsel carressing prize.


Suddenly the grounds starts to shake. Slowely, almost lazilly at first, yet growing in intensity with every beat. Myst felt Mehrin tense up next to her. Every muscle in his body taut as an arrow ready to fly. She looked up to him in puzzlement and followed his gaze towards the treeline across the field. She smiled and tapped him on the arm, in an effort to reassure him. It made no effect.


"Don't worry, Master Mehrin. The Seanchan have arrived!"


Tower of mass broke through the trees as the Deathwatch Guard led the Seanchan Ogiers through the forrest. Followed by the organised ranks of each division from the Seanchan military and finally the Blood and the High Blood, sul'dam and damane close at hand.


Myst tensed at the sight of those silver leashes, but a blood oath was spoken and given on both sides. There would be no hostilities. At least, not with those under Freelanders protection. She glanced at Quibby. Don't be a fool, she prayed.


The Kin eyed the Seanchan with unease but went about their business of helping the Tinkers set everything up. She admired their courage, for she wasn't sure she could have managed in their place.


"Mehrin, please. No violence on either side. On my life, I gave my word."

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I did not make it. I was first introduced to the wonder that is Bandweiser over ten years ago. Alas, time and the passing of many a Bander have left it all but forgotten.


*whispers* Don't tell the Banders, but those kegs and cans that they're protecting? Yeah, they're about seven years old...


I don't think there's any need for violence, either. It looks like the majority of my Banders are becoming violent with the alcohol, which seems like a good cue to withdraw.


You heard me, folks! Nothing more to see here! Let's go!


*flees and shouts back* By the way, the 'Nai 'Squai is all mine!

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*Daera blows up a firework in Quibby's face*


And NO, you CAN'T use that as a Band tactic. *nodnod*


*orders Illuminator underlings to go and drag the man back*



*Arkin had started dancing and singing and musicing the second he'd seen that first tinker and is now on top of a table playing a harp like a guitar* What? One day, everyone'll be playing it like this.

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*nostalgia attack*


I used to have an Aielman. Society Leader for the Sovin Nai, heavy drinker, strange friends. Sometimes I consider bringing him back.


Then I remember that I killed him off, and the feeling passes.

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