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My Top Movies of 2006


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Guest Emperor

I am talking about movies in the theatre. Please feel free to post your own list. Sadly, I had to reach to get 10.


1. The Departed

2. Miami Vice

3. Stranger than Fiction

4. Casino Royale

5. The Prestige

6. Invincible

7. Xmen 3

8. Pirates 2

9. V for Vendetta

10. Fast and Furious 3

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I don't think I even saw 10 movies in the theater this year... *thinkthink*


These are the ones I saw...


The Fountain

Stranger than Fiction

Casino Royale

The Departed

The Prestige

Lady in the Water

Pirates of the Caribbean 2




Were those the only ones?

Last fall I saw Wallace and Grommit, Brothers Grimm, Serenity, Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia........ Huh, that's more mediocre movies than I'd care to admit. Of those, I would see for a second time (by choice, not just because other people happen to be watching it) Serenity, The Prestige, The Departed, Stranger than Fiction. And maaaaybe Lady in the Water and/or The Fountain.

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Guest Emperor

Here is my list of movies for the remainder of the year.



The Good Shephard





Rocky Balboa


And the movies I can't wait for next year!!!


Pirates 3

Spiderman 3

Harry Potter 5


28 weeks later

oceans 13


The Bourne Ultimatum

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Left to see this year: Shortbus and Borat, maybe Casino Royal. I am invited to some kind of glamour.showing of it next week, with food and stuff, but I probably have to work :x


Best of those seen so far: The Departed.


And Miami Vice sucks smurf

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Clerks 2 was rubbish and a bad attempt to recapture the brilliance of the first movie.




And Miami Vice sucks smurf


It was so bad looking I didn't even want to waste the 5.50 to see it.


And Borat, you will laugh. You will laugh hard.

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Haven't seen many this year for various reasons....Maj did see Borat last week and I couldn't stop laughing well worth a visit.

Still haven't seen Casino Royale though I've heard loads of good things about it and it's on my to do if I can find time.


Pirates 2 I've seen and Zathura (think thats how it spelt) not my choice...honest :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Emperor

Stephen Kings top movies of 2006....


10. The World's Fastest Indian

Anthony Hopkins as a motorcycle racer. What else do you need to know? Oh, the movie's great — funny and moving.


9. The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada

Frakkin' horrible title. Great movie. Tommy Lee Jones channels Cormac McCarthy...and it works.


8. Waist Deep

This is old-school urban action, honey, the way they don't hardly make 'em no more. Starring the immensely likable Tyrese Gibson.


7. Snakes on a Plane

You got your basic snakes on a plane, you got Samuel L. Jackson doing his thing, and a good-humored, high-tension script that recalls the first two Bruce Willis Die Hard pictures. So, hey — what's not to like?


6. The Illusionist

Two movies featuring magicians from the early 1900s came out this year. I saw both, liked both. What made The Illusionist special for me was Edward Norton dueling with Paul Giamatti, and an ending that compelled me back into the theater at once to see how I had been tricked.


5. The Descent

The best horror movie of the year, beyond doubt. Possibly because the main characters are all adults, for a change? The sense of doom-laden claustrophobia this movie generates is intense and remarkable.


4. Casino Royale

I came out of the theater thinking it was the best Bond since Goldfinger. A subsequent viewing of Goldfinger — for this column — has convinced me it's the best Bond ever.


3. The Departed

Ensemble ''star power'' movies hardly ever work, but when they do, they can be cool. The Departed is can't-take-your-eyes-off-it entertainment. Matt Damon continues to amaze me with his versatility.


2. United 93

If this emotionally wrenching docudrama isn't nominated for Best Picture, the Academy should be ashamed of itself.


1. Pan's Labyrinth

I happened to see this in July and was completely seduced by its beauty and emotional ferocity. Guillermo del Toro (Hellboy, Mimic, Blade II) directed, and to call this his best work isn't enough. I think this extraordinary R-rated fairy tale for adults is the best fantasy film since The Wizard of Oz. And while it's much darker than Wizard, it still celebrates the human spirit. Your Uncle Stevie thinks you will see this movie.

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This hasn't been my year for seeing movies in the theater. I've seen two of the films on King's list:

World's Fastest Indian (I'll agree with him...this is a surprisingly fantastic and moving film), and

United 93 (I wasn't nearly as blown away by this as everyone else seems to be...it was ok, though).


And I've seen three from Empy's list:

X-men 3 (not nearly as good as #2)

Pirates 2 (very disappointing. Since when did it become legit to replace story and character depth with stupid and slapstick?)

V for Vendetta (by far one of the best movies I've seen this year... but then, I am a damn hippy liberal wacko).


You know, my whole life I have stuck by the philosophy that Bond films are not worth the film they are printed on, and I should know cuz I have flat out refused to watch any of them. :roll: However, all the reviews of Casino Royale are making me very interested in checking it out. It may very well become the first (and probably only) Bond movie I'll ever watch.

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Guest Emperor

I thought this to be a week year for movies in general. Most of the things on my list (F&F3, Miami Vice) are only on there because I had such low expectations going into the theatre and the movie exceeded my very low expectations. I had forgotten about Snakes on a Plane though and would replace Pirates 2 with that film.


I also realized I put Invicible on the list... and I realize I meant Fearless (the Jet Li movie, not the football movie).


The Prestige is only on the list because I saw it with Yveva on a date.

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