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I'm going on holiday in a week, which i managed to lose track of, i'll be gone for a fortnight and don't know how my internet situation will be..

I'll try and get all my parts wrapped up by then, if he's needed for some reason i trust you guys to npc him temporarily.

Just fair warning. :p


Ah, yes...me too. I'm uncertain of whether I'll have Internet, or for how long and at what stage, so I might hit the pause buttons on some of my rps, because I'll be on IINTERNATIONAL TOUR TO EUROPE AND ASIA!!!!

Sorry, still excited about that. I'll be gone from next Tuesday for a few weeks, dunno when the Internet'll be available.


I did one of those with the university concert choir that I was a part of last year. We toured the Netherlands and Belgium. Good times, good times. Whereabouts are you guys going?


By the way, there's no real penalty for disappearing, though it is nice to warn the other people with whom you're writing that you'll be disappearing for a little bit.

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