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Hello there. Always meant to sign up here, and I actually tried once, but due to my email provider it never worked and I kept putting it off even though I visit this site at least every other day.. LOL.. So, first I would like to say thank you to Jason for starting this website and giving another fellow WoT geek someplace to run away to...

Anyway, much more on topic, I am a huge fan of the forums and theories. Like most of you, I can never seem to get enough of the Wheel, and this is a great place to get just that. I love to hear other peoples thoughts, ideas, so on and so forth. I began reading in late 95, early 96 and have never looked back. Looking forward to getting to know, talking to, or even debating with any and all of you.


"Let the Lord of Chaos rule."


Isn't it funny how a series of books can take hold of you like this one does. I am a big reader but no other series of books have ever gotten hold of me like this one.


Welcome ~officially~ to Dragonmount, theLivingNightmare! Sounds like you already know your way around - plenty of boards for discussions on the Wheel of Time to see what other readers think about aspects of the series as you know. Be sure to check out some of the social groups, too; they are a great way to make friends and acquaintances and they host many fun activities regarding the Wheel of Time or anything else besides, and if you are into role-playing, there are plenty of forums for that too :wink: !

So who would you say is your favourite character in the series thus far?


I hope I am going to be the first one to shorten your name with a nickname Nightmare. Anyways, welcome to DM! I think you're going to love it here, from what you're saying, I think that you will be spending most of your time in the general wheel of time discussion, and if you're read all the books and previews/covers for AMoL, then I think you will enjoy the AMoL board too. As Taltos said, make sure you check out some of the other boards like Social groups, RPing, and the general discussion for debates, spam, and games. Hope you have a great time here, don't get too addicted (not sure is this is possible:)!


corvus - Yes sir, you have certainly got that right!


WildTaltos & RandA lThor - Thank you both for the welcomes. Yeah, you could say I can at least navigate the forums pretty sufficiently for a newbie. :) I will definetley heed your advice, and check out the social groups, as I have been curious about them for some time now thanks to Dwynwen's Dragonmount Weekly Roundup posts. Sounds like a great eclectic mix and match of things to keep everyone entertained and busy with more of the Wheel, and I'm game for that. If I remember correctly, I believe I found a post in the forums a bit ago for a MUD that was called The Game of Stones, and that is absolutely on my top list of things to check out after I read about how much work had been put into it. I am also among the foolhardy and crazy for being one of those who have re-read this series a lot over the years and am anticipating and dreading the release of AMoL equally, though I am just glad it is being finished at all for that matter. As for who my favorite character is... You would have to ask me one of the hardest questions to answer (especially with the full list of characters!), wouldn't you? :) I would have to go with Perrin, but honestly, I love almost all of them. Although I cannot stand Elaida. She is probably the only character I truly hate with a purple passion. Don't get me wrong, if I were in Randland, I would love to take Egwene and Elayne both sometimes and knock their heads together in a vain hope of knocking some sence into them.. But what can you do, right? :)


P.S. - RandA lThor - LOL :) As a matter of fact, I have no problem with that nickname being used at all. I used to be an independent pro wrestler for a while, and my old gimmick name was Nightmare, and then later I used "the Living Nightmare" Johnny Horror. So please, by all means. I had the nickname Nightmare for a long time, so it makes me feel nostalgic and very much at home. Thanks again! :)


Thank you Pankhuri, very glad to be a part of the community officially. :)


I am definetley mostly like Perrins' character. I, too, am a bigger guy, careful around others, slower to act because I would rather think it all out if possible, loyal, longer brown-ish (it naturally gets blonde, auburn, and strawberry blonde highlights if I spend enough time in the sun without a hat) curly hair, and almost always bearded as well. :)

Although, I would have to say my sence of humor, and word usage for that matter, sways over toward Mats' side of the spectrum. :) I can be a complete rascal when it is in the name of a good joke or just for a laugh. Whether it be at my own expense, or not. I just love a good laugh.


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