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Old Tongue translation


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So, I was thinking of getting a quote translated to the old tongue for a tattoo and I was just wondering if anyone could help me. I'm sorry if this was posted in the wrong section.


The quote is " i am not afraid to walk this world alone". I've looked through a few pages but couldn't find all the words and I thought I might have missed something.


There is no word for 'walk' or 'alone' in the list.


You could use donde which means 'to ride' and Aan'allein which means 'a man who is an entire nation' or 'one man'


Inde daghain tia donde a'rhiod sen(e) aan'allein misain ye

Not fear to ride the'world like one'man am I


But I take no responsibility for the acuracy of the sentence


Since the language isn't fleshed out completely you could get it close and just fake it. It's not like you will meet anyone who knows the difference. Then again there are a lot of people who are really dedicated to this series.


The old tongue seems to be alot like latin, which means you will never get the grammar right just picking words out of the scraps we know how to translate. Anything you use will just be gibberish anyway, so just make sure it has a few apostrophies, double letters and vowel combinations and you should be fine.


I'm hoping they'll release a reference site after the last book or something like that. Till then I think I'll just wait. Thanks for the input.


I hear that RJ's complete Old Tongue dictionary will be in the Encyclopedia. Something around 800 words.


If it is or not it will still just be single words and simple phrases and unless you know how to fit it together you wont get it grammatically right. Note also that it isn't a full language like elvish in LotR so there probably isn't even a structure to how it goes. What you see is what he randomly thought up basically. Some stuff can be fitted together though just changing out some words in a phrase with another or mix and matching the phrases and words.


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