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Hello all


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Thanks Elgee! I was curious to know about the various social groups that each have their own forum. How does one join those? Also, what is their function, exactly?


I'm also interested in learning more about the DR RP section - what's the difference between the RP forum, and the RP Community forum? Thank you!

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There should be instructions on how to join the social groups pinned at the top. I'm in the Kin and Tower/Warrders group. Look around and see what you like.

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You'll find a lot of your answers at the Forums 101 board here: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/forum/234-forums-101/


You can just scroll down to the various Social Groups - they're just sections on this forum. Their function is to provide people with a place to hang out and enjoy themselves (as long as they follow the rules). Each one has their own procedure for joining, but they should all have pinned topics that explain the procedure. They all have sections that are open to "the public" - I would advise you to hang out by each one till you get a feel for them, and then join those that attract you the most.


The RP Community board is where the Role Playing members discuss RP matters Out of Character. The Dragon Reborn Role Playing board is where you post the stories you have written up (In Character).

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