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New here and saying hello!

James al'Dylan

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Hi there. I've been on here quite a few times, lurking in the shadows, but thought I would finally come into the light and introduce myself.


I first discovered the WoT series about 18 months ago and read through the whole series in about 6 months. I'd only just started reading fantasy again, after a break of what must have been nearly 10 years. I've just started my first re-read (although I actually picked up tEotW straight after I'd just re-read it and went through it again!). I'm currently re-reading book 3.


It's really hard to think who my favourite character would be. Strangely Rand is probably one of my least favourite. Mat, who seems to be most peoples favourite is definitely one of mine too, but I didn't really warm to him until about the middle of tDR. Elayne, Moiraine, Thom and Tuon are other characters I like, but I also really enjoy Egwene and Perrin (except when Faile gets taken and Perrin goes all moody) who seem to be a bit less liked. Berelain would be my wildcard favourite.


Not sure what my favourite scene is either. Perrin's defence of the Two Rivers, the cleansing of saidin, Rand's battle with Asmodean and the whole of Fires of Heaven are the bits that most spring to mind. Oh, and the first half of tEotW, which is such an impressive and captivating introduction to the series. To be honest there's just so many and I'm already discovering parts that I'd forgotten or not noticed now that I'm re-reading the books.


Look forward to joining in.




We are glad to have you!!! My favorites are Moiraine and Siuan. Least favorite, Egwene in the later books. Lol, is there someone you can't stand?


There's no one I can't stand; although Rand's chapters are currently my least favourite. Essentially I really like all the 'light' characters. I wish RJ had developed the dark friend and forseaken more. Liandiran and Asmodean are two that I think he could really have developed more. My main gripe is that there's very little redemption in WoT. Maybe not for Liandrain, but there's an interesting possibility posed by those who consign themselves to the Dark One. Not withstanding their tied link and all that. I'd like to see more development of that, so when I read a chapter about one of the forsaken or a dark friend I wish there was more to it. If that makes sense?


What is your favourite book and why? I absolutely love FoH for its drama and emotional roller-coaster.


I like New Spring, The Dragon Reborn and The Great Hunt. As a woman, I enjoyed the fact that women could be leaders, powerful queens, captains of ships and soldiers.


Welcome to DM!


I feel there should be more about Forsaken. My favourite Forsaken would be Moridin. I liked him since his entry. Maybe it was because he punished Moghedian and I didn't like her because of what she did to Elayne and Nynaeve.


If you could change on thing in WoT, what would it be?


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