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Wot-reading Composer from Germany

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Hey WoT-Community,


my name is Andreas Maria Marcus. I am a huge fan of RJ's WoT. I've read all the books three times!


In real life I am a composer from Münster, Germany, and want to use the opportunity to make advertising a piece of me:


In 2007 I composed Nynaeve, a piece for four instruments. The death of Robert Jordan and Nynaeve as a fictional character inspired me to do so. The genre of the piece is minimal music - that is, a lot of repetition, elongated developments, meditative character.


Under this link you can listen to the piece:



It would please me if you like the composition. When one hears, as I imagine Nynaeve, I'm very happy.

Much more I am pleased with every form of criticism.


Lovely! Thanks for sharing with us, and welcome to Dragonmount!


*waits for someone to pop in with the obligatory plug for the Artists/Crafters/Writers guild*


If you have any questions, be sure to ask. We have a lot of helpful souls 'round these parts who will help you find anything and everything. Be sure to check out the social groups section. I took far too long to get involved in that area, personally, and I had no idea what I was missing. Great people, and a lot of fun :smile:


Welcome to Dragonmount!


That piece is lovely. It just describes Nynaeve. caring, stubborn, helpful.. that's her.


And you should really come to Artisits' Crafters' and Writers' Guild. You would like it there. We don't currently have many musicians but feel free to settle there. I can say that because I am a member. I just do a bit of wrting. My muscial experience is limited to learning classical Indian music.


If you have any problems, just ask!


Thank you for your warm welcome!


@ Songstress: Thank you for your commendation - It was written just days after the death of RJ. I was worried that the books would have remained without end.


@ Pankhuri: Also thank you for your commendation. These are precisely the characteristics I see in Nynaeve. These are mainly her stubbornness and her perseverance.


Thank you for the offer of help. I will come back to it.


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