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need recommendations


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Hello i know there are lots of these posts about book recomendations but i have a different taste compared to alot of readers. I loved books like harry potter, mistborn and wheel of time but i really struggled with lord of the rings (just ended up watching the movies) and a song of ice and fire. I really enjoy books that have a lot of magic like wheel of time and mistborn. Also like big reveals such as snape being dumbledores man, verin black ajah, kelsior planning his death etc.


which i think why i didnt enjoy a song of ice and fire and lord of the rings ( even tho i really enjoyed the movies and tv series) i just didnt get hooked.


so i was wondering if anyone can recommend some good book series with lots of magic and plot twists and big reveals.


thanks in advance


Ya, Hi go check out The Legend Of Drizzt by RA Salvatore... very good books[ youll hear some haters screaming some haterish things but its rubbish] RJ coraspondid with RA Salvatore and told him how much He liked his work and vice-versa. Start with Homeland and give it a chance...




P.s. I love The Wheel of Time, very much, but I love The Legend of Drizzt just as much, They both have the same differance..


i had the same problem with LotR's, so i totally feel you on that. i do have to say that you should give ASoF&I another shot, it acutally has loads of twists in it once you get to book 3.


right now, the only adult series i can recomend is "The Dresden Files" by Jim Butcher. the writing style is snarky and the twists are give and take.



for Young Adult, i'd recomend Rick Riodan's 3 series, Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympis and Kane Chronicles. these arent' as developed as Harry Potter, but are still nice books toread so long as you don't mind the 2D world. another is Narnia; there are a few twists and the books are highly enjoyable. i'm a huge HP nut but i've read/listened to the Narnia series as many times as i have the HP series.


another is the Artemis Fowl series; the twists arent' to the caliber of WoT, but the series is on par with HP imo.



now outside of Fantasy, you might want to check out Orson Scott Cards "Empire' and "Hidden Empire". thier both political thrillers and if your left leaning then you might not enjoy them; but i really enjoyed the book. another is "And Dies the Fire" by SM Sterling; just a very suspensful apoclyptic scenario book that keeps you guessing though it's not a political thriller.


there there is an author named Iris Johansen. she writes mystery thrillers for the most part, but she was orinally a historical romance writer. i highly suggest "Killing Game", one of the best "Who done it" mystery books i've ever read and was totally blind sided by who the killer was.




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