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What do you hate?


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OK, now for a negative bent.


I hate couples who make out in public parks where kids are. The last incident was seared in my brain when a couple in their late 40's were going at it. Ugh.

It also makes me nervous to see middle aged men sitting in their cars at parks.


I hate the symbol for heart people use. Everyone knows it isn't based off the real human heart but few people actually know where it comes from... It is, no joke, the shape of a a women's behind when she bends over. I'm not kidding. That's where that symbol comes from.


And chocolates release endorphins that give one the illusion of being in love.


You put chocolates in a heart shaped box and hand it to me, I will feel insulted. And I will lecture that man on his mistake. If you don't know why men give those to women then you shouldn't be doing it yourself.... just bugs me so much... It's rude, disrespectful, and society is conditioning people into thinking that it's polite and loving... No.


I also dislike people making out in public. At school if a kissing couple was in between me and my destination, I would not walk around but rather push my way between them.


Umm... My husband gives me chocolates because I love them and I doubt he would view the symbol as anything but a representation of the thing thumping in his chest. Why would a man give a woman a physical representation of a woman's butt?


Maybe it's just my rose colored glasses, but I refuse to hurt someone's feelings when they went out if their way and spent money on me over what I perceive to be a message he wasn't sending.


I hate that people have to analyze everything until it doesn't mean anything or makes people self-conscious about giving other people gifts. And it's not just Valentine's Day that it annoys me.

  On 2/14/2012 at 12:19 AM, U4ea said:

Umm... My husband gives me chocolates because I love them and I doubt he would view the symbol as anything but a representation of the thing thumping in his chest. Why would a man give a woman a physical representation of a woman's butt?


Maybe it's just my rose colored glasses, but I refuse to hurt someone's feelings when they went out if their way and spent money on me over what I perceive to be a message he wasn't sending.


I hate that people have to analyze everything until it doesn't mean anything or makes people self-conscious about giving other people gifts. And it's not just Valentine's Day that it annoys me.


I can understand that.

  On 2/19/2012 at 7:56 PM, Hiarthbeorn said:

I hate nothing. I have no room for bitterness or resentment or hate.


Now, frustration or supreme annoyance on the other hand...



Ok, what frustrates or annoys you?


Selfishness and callous disregard - folks who demand everything on a silver platter or people who act in blatent disregard for the consequences their actions have on other people.


Snottiness - passively or actively disrespecting others because they fail to meet some unspoken standard you've set for them. By this, I mean treating someone like the dirt beneath your heels because they don't share your interests. I especially dislike this behavior from self-professed literary critics, grammar nazis and health food addicts.


Frivolity - this is harder to define because it can have such a similarity to genuinely having fun. I refuse to begrudge someone indulging themselves even if I find it a little foreign to me so, by frivolous, I guess I mean an obsession with the trivial. But since I don't have the power to change that nor do I want it, I try to find something else about a person's interests or character that I can relate to so I don't fall into Snottiness since I have been guilty of arrogance in the past. Like people who are married to their reality television - I don't understand it, I think the shows are silly and voyeuristic but I'm still obligated to extend to each human being all respect and dignity due and demanded. Martin Buber's "I and Thou" has helped me immensely in that regard.


I'm also a little frustrated with my cat. He's always hungry and squeezes out poo like a baker's frosting gun.

  On 2/19/2012 at 8:38 PM, Hiarthbeorn said:

Selfishness and callous disregard - folks who demand everything on a silver platter or people who act in blatent disregard for the consequences their actions have on other people.


Snottiness - passively or actively disrespecting others because they fail to meet some unspoken standard you've set for them. By this, I mean treating someone like the dirt beneath your heels because they don't share your interests. I especially dislike this behavior from self-professed literary critics, grammar nazis and health food addicts.


Frivolity - this is harder to define because it can have such a similarity to genuinely having fun. I refuse to begrudge someone indulging themselves even if I find it a little foreign to me so, by frivolous, I guess I mean an obsession with the trivial. But since I don't have the power to change that nor do I want it, I try to find something else about a person's interests or character that I can relate to so I don't fall into Snottiness since I have been guilty of arrogance in the past. Like people who are married to their reality television - I don't understand it, I think the shows are silly and voyeuristic but I'm still obligated to extend to each human being all respect and dignity due and demanded. Martin Buber's "I and Thou" has helped me immensely in that regard.


I'm also a little frustrated with my cat. He's always hungry and squeezes out poo like a baker's frosting gun.



Martin Buber was a very smart and accomplished man.


I hate the smell of cat poo.


I agree with a lot of what you said... but who I am at the moment can determine a lot about me and my behavior.


I understand the chocolate is probably meant well, but I get annoyed when people participate in holidays or traditions that they don't understand... For instance, "Valentine" was a man who martyred himself. Why would I ask that of someone that I love?

  On 2/19/2012 at 11:17 PM, Naked~Frog said:

I agree with a lot of what you said... but who I am at the moment can determine a lot about me and my behavior.


I understand the chocolate is probably meant well, but I get annoyed when people participate in holidays or traditions that they don't understand... For instance, "Valentine" was a man who martyred himself. Why would I ask that of someone that I love?



I think holidays, sometimes, get away from the original intention. Now, Valentine's is about love, or it's suppose to be.


Yeah... I don't know though... Why do you need a holiday to love someone? Why not just be loving whenever you can? It confuses me...


Why analyze it? When did it stop being ok to just enjoy it? Am I going to stop celebrating my birthday because it was a day of pain for my mother? Or Tadpole's because I almost died? Am I going to stop Easter egg hunts or fireworks in Independence Day?


No. I'm going to enjoy celebrating all of it for whatever reason I choose to celebrate it, because life is too short to spend nitpicking why people do things. I'm even going to invent a few others, just for the sake of celebration.


And no, I don't only love people one day a year. However, I've noticed that life has this horrible way of making it difficult to remind those people that I love them. So, one day a year, society has carved a reminder into my calendar. A little poke to remind me to tell them because they may not see it as clearly as I do. If that's bad, then I'm sorry. When you're my age, with a job that never stops, two kids demanding every second of your attention before and after school until bedtime and being under so much stress between the two that sleeping feels like a blink, rather than a rest, perhaps having a day to step out of the routine and focus on love won't be such a bad thing.


/old lady rant

  On 2/20/2012 at 10:51 AM, U4ea said:

Why analyze it? When did it stop being ok to just enjoy it? Am I going to stop celebrating my birthday because it was a day of pain for my mother? Or Tadpole's because I almost died? Am I going to stop Easter egg hunts or fireworks in Independence Day?


/old lady rant




I had no pain relief with my oldest son (and yes, I've told him how much it hurt!) but I am so pleased, daily, on what a nice young man he's become. I too, almost died with my youngest (trauma helicopter ride to San Francisco) but every day I realize how blessed I am to have him and to be here with him.

  On 2/21/2012 at 5:45 AM, U4ea said:

Amen. Mine are worth every tear, too. I'd do it all again in a heartbeat, if it took that long.



Me too.


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