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Hi all.

My name is Nikki. I am 29 - going on 18 - and I've been reading these books over and over for about 10 years!

I am a mad reader of fantasy epics and my fave authors are Terry Pratchett, Melanie Rawn, J.R.R. Tolkein, George R. R. Martin and obviously Robert Jordan!

I have just finished Towers of Midnight and I cannot wait to read A Memory of Light. I normally start reading the series again before the next book comes out so I can lead straight into the newest book. However, as I own all of the books in paperback, I may have to wait a while! =(

I also love to write my own stuff, including fan-fiction, RPG and also try to get more ideas down for my own possible future best-seller!

I am a qualified science teacher and Forensic Scientist but trying to get a job in either is difficult to say the least! I live in the lovely south west of the UK and I love to surf and walk in my spare time.


From one Brit to another, welcome to DM! :biggrin:


Like you, I too have just finished Towers of Midnight - today in fact! I felt it was one of the better books in the series of late.


Enjoy browsing the site. Don't hesitate to ask any questions should you get lost and/or confused - we'll do our best to help you out! And do pop by the Campfires of the Band of the Red Hand Social Group!


*waves his :bandredhand: banner all over the place*


Welcome to Dragonmount!


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And what is your favourite scene?


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If you have any problems, just ask!:biggrin:


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