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About the seals


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I think sonmewhere in the book they say when the one power is channled into the seals they only grow stronger(not just the seals but all of the stuff the seals are made of cundaria) So why doesnt a fun circal of 13 just channel into the reamining seals and make them stronger.


The quote is about cuendillar in general, not the seals specifically. I believe it's in TEotW in the last chapter or so after Rand drains the Saidin in the eye revealing the horn/banner/seal while Moiraine is explaining about cuendillar.


Later (I think the one in the Stone of Tear) she shaves a piece off of another one. Impossible since it's cuendillar, but it happened just the same. Obviously the DO is doing something to the seals to weaken them. Channeling into them might be the thing to break them. On the other hand what's the point in making something that's unbreakable stronger?


Everybody is shocked that they can and are breaking

Maybe its like what happens when you buy something and it dies a week after the warrantee runs out

planned obsalesience sorry didn't feel like looking it up


And also, if the Aes Sedai from the Age of Legands said cuindillar is unbreakable, it goes without saying that they had no way of knowing. I mean, nobody sat around and watched it for thousands of years, and if the Dark One is constantly ravaging them with any means possible, little wonder they're breaking!


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